
 2024-02-06 10:02


摘 要

本实验研究了饥饿对鲫鱼背部肌肉水分、蛋白质、总糖及总脂含量的影响,实验测定了不同饥饿时间0d、 14d下鲫鱼背部肌肉水分、蛋白质、总糖及总脂含量。结果表明:随着饥饿时间的延长,饥饿0d、 14d的鲫鱼肌肉含水量分别为54.10%、57.01%,二组鲫鱼含水量差异不显著(Pgt;0.05);总脂相对含量呈下降趋势,总脂饥饿0d、14d后含量分别为4.55%、3.25%,两组鲫鱼总脂含量差异显著(Plt;0.05);饥饿过程中鲫鱼肌肉含糖量呈上升趋势,饥饿0d为1.62%,饥饿14d后上升为2.64%,二组鲫鱼总糖含量差异显著(P<0.05);蛋白质饥饿0d、 14d后含量分别为68.22%、63.52%,二组鲫鱼的蛋白质含量不存在显著性差异(Pgt;0.05)。

关键词:饥饿,鲫鱼,水分, 蛋白质,总糖,总脂

Effects of Hunger on Moisture, Protein, Saccharide and Lipid Content of  Carassius auratus back Muscle

(Huaiyin Normal University ,School of Life Science, Yuwen 191101081)

Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the effect of hunger on the moisture, protein,saccharide and lipid content of  Carassius auratus back muscle . Experiments were divided into two groups, hungering for 0d and 14d, respectively. And the determination of the content of the muscle from  Carassius auratus back muscle , the content of the moisture of musle,lipid, protein and saccharide from which was in hungry of 0d and 14d. The results showed that along with the extension of hunger, the content of the moisture of muscle which was in hungry of 0d、14d were 54.10%、57.01%, respectively.There were no significant differences(Pgt;0.05)all of the two groups. The content of the lipid of muscle which was in hungry of 0d, 14d were 4.55%,3.25%.There were significant differences(Plt;0.05)all of the two groups. The content of the saccharide of the muscle rised from 1.62% to 2.64% after 14d, There were significant differences all of the two groups(P<0.05).The content of the protein from muscle of Carassius auratus which was in hungry of 0d、 14d were 68.22%、63.52%, respectively.There were no significant differences all of the two groups(Pgt;0.05).

Keywords: Hunger,  Carassius auratus, moisture , protein, saccharide , lipid


1 引言 5

2 材料来源及实验设计 5

2.1鲫鱼的来源 5

2.2实验设计 5

2.3 样品测定 6

2.3.1含水量测定 6

2.3.2总脂的测定 6

2.3.3 总糖的测定 6

2.3.4蛋白质的测定 6

3.计算与数据分析 7

3.1饥饿对鲫鱼肌肉含水量的影响 7

3.2饥饿对鲫鱼总脂的影响 8

3.3饥饿对鲫鱼总糖的影响 8

3.4 饥饿对鲫鱼蛋白质的影响 9

4 讨论与分析 9

参考文献 11

致谢 13


鲫鱼(学名:Carassius auratus ,简称鲫)在欧亚地区为常见淡水鱼,为辐鳍鱼纲鲤形目鲤科鲫属的其中一种鱼类。鲫鱼经过人工养殖和选育,可以产生许多新品种,例如金鱼就是由此产生的一种观赏鱼类,和食用的野生鲫鱼学名同为 Carassius auratus 。鲫鱼主要是以植物为食的杂食性鱼,喜群居而行,择食而居,肉质细嫩,肉营养价值很高,每百克肉含蛋白质13克、脂肪 11克,并含有大量的钙、磷、铁等矿物质。鲫鱼药用价值极高,其性平味甘,入胃、肾,具有和中补虚、除羸、温胃进食、补中生气之功效。鲫鱼分布广泛,全国各地水域常年均有生产,以2~4月份和8~12月份的鲫鱼最肥美,为我国重要食用鱼类之一。最大体长约30cm,栖息深度为0~20米,无毒,经济型食用鱼类,物美价廉。本鱼原分布于中国除青藏高原外的江河、湖泊、池塘等水体中等,并引进世界各地的淡水水域。在过去的几十年里,有关鲫鱼形态学特征、营养价值、生殖发育、遗传育种等方面已有报道[1],但对其饥饿状态下的生理生化的研究[2]国内外开展的都比较少。


2 材料来源及实验设计




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