
 2024-02-06 10:02


摘 要



Effects of Hunger on Muscle Contents of Moisture, Protein ,Total sugar and Lipid of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus.

(Huaiyin Normal University ,School of Life Science, XuYunxia 191101076)

Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the effect of hunger on the biochemical compositon of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. Experiments were divided into two groups, hungering for 0d and 14d respectively, and the determination of the content of the muscle from Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, the content of the moisture of musle ,lipid, protein from which was in hungry of 0d and 14d. The results showed that along with the extension of hunger, the content of the moisture of muscle which was in hungry of 0d and 14d were 60.50%, 63.10% respectively. There were no significant differences(P﹥0.05)all of the two groups. The content of the saccharide of the muscle rised from 1.28% to 2.81% after 14d. There were significant differences all of the two groups(P<0.05). The content of the lipid of muscle which was in hungry of 0d and 14d were 10.41%,7.13%, and the content of the protein from muscle of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus which was in hungry of 0d and 14d were 62.17%,47.32% respectively.There were significant differences of the content of lipid and protein all of the two groups(P<0.05).

Keywords: Hunger, Misgur nus anguillicaudatus, Chemical composition


1 引言 5

2 材料来源及实验设计 5

2.1泥鳅的来源 5

2.2实验设计 5

2.3 样品测定 6

2.3.1 含水量测定 6

2.3.2 总糖的测定 6

2.3.3 总脂的测定 6

2.3.4 蛋白质的测定 6

3.计算与数据分析 6

3.1饥饿对泥鳅肌肉含水量的影响 6

3.2饥饿对泥鳅肌肉总糖的影响 7

3.3 饥饿对泥鳅总脂的影响 7

3.4饥饿对泥鳅蛋白质的影响 8

4 讨论与分析 8

参考文献 11

致谢 12


泥鳅( Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) 属鲤形目,鳅科,广泛分布于我国南方各地的江河、湖泊、水库、池塘及沟渠中,北方不常见但也分布各地。泥鳅被称为“水中之参”,全年都可采收,夏季最多,泥鳅捕捉后,可鲜用或烘干用。该鱼生长快,食性杂,抗病力强,因其个体小且易得,经济效益高、饲养方法简易且花工较少等优点,所以已越来越受养殖户的欢迎,是一种十分适合养殖的经济鱼类,也是一种较理想的实验鱼材料。泥鳅味道鲜美,营养丰富,含蛋白质较高而脂肪较低,能降脂降压,即是美味佳肴又是大众食品,素有“天上的斑鸠,地下的泥鳅”和“水中人参”之美誉。美味又滋补,还易获得,价廉物美。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对泥鳅的需求量日益递增,野生泥鳅的产量已远远不能满足市场需求。

许多鱼类都能忍受较长时间饥饿[1]。饥饿状态下,鱼类的代谢机能发生改变, 并通过利用鱼体自身的贮存物质如糖类、脂肪和蛋白质提供能量,但不同鱼类在饥饿状态下能源物质的贮存和利用有一定差异[2] 。本实验以泥鳅为实验对象,分别研究了不同饥饿时间下泥鳅肌肉中的水分、糖类、脂肪、蛋白质含量,旨在为生产上泥鳅的饲料配置提供理论支持。

2 材料来源及实验设计





2.3 样品测定


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