
 2023-04-20 01:04


摘 要









With the reform and opening up, the market economy has been booming in the rapid development of the economy, the financial evaluation is an important and essential part.Financial evaluation not only within the enterprise management has a major role in economic production, but also for corporate lending decisions, investment decisions and marketing decision-making is extremely important, it is also an important means of venture capital companies to circumvent the decision-making process, significance.

In this paper, Qing Habitat Park project as research subjects, their basic information-based, the main research ideas into the following sections:

First, the whole process of project work cursory overview of the overall research ideas and methods of finishing the subject, as well as the specific economic theory and research methods in the analysis process need to use.

Then, to complete the preliminary investigation report as paper data sources, combined with the positioning of the group of group projects, the completion of the financial evaluation analysis.

By referring to the relevant financial evaluation literature, get second-hand information on the macroeconomic and political context, etc., to complete the questionnaire design and carry out random distribution and in-depth interviews in Pukou District, to obtain first-hand market information on housing demand, constitute chime Habitat Garden the underlying data source project financial evaluation.Then, based on the results of questionnaires and market research, combined with positioning design and corporate financial condition chime Habitat Park project, according to the given address proposed development projects, corresponding Nanjing planning conditions and the development of data related to land-based data to complete the financial evaluation estimates;From an investment point of view, to determine the ranking chime garden project construction schedule and financing plans for land development, etc., and calculated the financial evaluation reports to the basic financial statements for the data to calculate the related financial evaluation: Financial Investment uncertainty analysis NPV, net annual value of financial investment, payback period, internal rate of return and other investment profitability and capital financial indicators, selected chime Habitat Park project construction program and completion of risk analysis and evaluation and give the final investment advice.

Finally, after the end of the project study stage, we will then study the process "an important role in the financial evaluation of real estate development Decision" further thought, and complete a short essay on this basis.

Keywords: chime Habitat Park project; financial evaluation; financial indicators


前言 1

第一章 毕业设计过程描述 3

1.1选题背景与意义 3

1.1.1选题背景 3

1.1.2项目概况 4

1.2工作流程 4

1.2.1传统财务评价的流程 4

第二章 磬居园项目财务评价工作流程 6

2.1市场调研 6

2.2财务评价流程 6

2.3项目及工作概述 6

2.4财务分析概述 7

2.4.1财务评价思路 7

2.4.2财务评价的基本理论 8

2.4.3开发建设方案设计 8

2.4.4 初步投资估算 8

2.5财务评价及建设方案 8

2.5.1财务评价方案 8

2.5.2不确定性分析、风险分析及建议 9

2.6 财务评价结论 9

第三章 相关理论和研究方法 10

3.1财务评价概述 10

3.1.1财务评价的概念及作用 10

3.1.2财务评价的目的 11

3.1.3财务评价基本前提 11

3.2房地产开发项目财务评价程序 12

3.2.1房地产开发项目财务评价依据 12

3.2.3 房地产开发项目财务评价步骤 12

第四章 房地产项目财务评价中不确定性和风险分析方法 14

4.1 房地产项目财务评价不确定性分析方法 14

4.1.1 盈亏平衡分析 14

4.1.2 敏感性分析 15

4.2 房地产项目财务评价风险分析方法 15

4.2.1 房地产项目的风险分类 15

4.2.2房地产项目的风险分析方法 17

4.2.3房地产投资风险的规避与控制 19

第五章 项目的建设方案与进度安排 21

5.1项目建设规划 21

5.2规划控制要求 21

5.2.1退让 21

5.2.2建筑间距 21

5.2.3配套设施 22

5.3项目建设进度安排 23

5.3.1项目WBS图 23

第六章:项目投资估算及资金筹措计划 27

6.1项目的投资估算 27

6.1.1投资估算的相关规定 27

6.1.2项目中相关税费的估算依据 27

6.1.3项目总投资估算 29

6.2项目资金筹措计划 32

6.3项目总资金及资金使用计划 32

第七章 项目销售收入估算 35

7.1项目收入估算 35

7.1.1项目销售收入估算 35

7.1.2 销售收入税金 35

第八章 建设项目的财务评价指标计算 36

8.1财务评价的表格 36

8.2财务评价指标分析 36

8.2.1财务评价盈利指标分析 37

8.2.2财务评价清偿指标分析 38

第九章:建设项目的不确定性 40

9.1项目不确定性分析及评价 40

9.1.1敏感性分析 40

第十章:风险分析 42

10.1项目风险概述 42

10.1.1项目风险的识别 42

10.1.2项目风险的对策 43

第十一章 项目财务评价结论 44

第十二章:小论文 45

致谢 49

参考文献 50

附录 51

附录1:基础数据 51


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