
 2023-04-20 01:04


摘 要





With the sustainable development of the economy of our country, we residents of the income and education levels are rising, people"s consumption level and purchasing power is in steady growth, housing demand as a traditional Chinese demand, the market will also be with the whole economic environment improved second favored. With the increase in demand, in accordance with the laws of the market, and the supply will be follow, the boom of the real estate market will continue to follow up, but as a rational investor, you should avoid blind investment, rush to follow up, but the current our country real estate industry exists many investors eager for quick success and instant benefit, only to see the high return of the real estate industry, did not see the high risk of the real estate industry, there is no any according to blind investment. As a result, project investment risk intensifies, a lot of half-way because it because of the reasons caused the project unable to continue development on. This is not only conducive to investors" interests, is not conducive to the stable development of the real estate industry. After the lessons of a lot of practical cases, as a real estate development important part of wall paint project planning and feasibility studies also with the hot real estate industry attracted more and more attention.

The Nanjing Gulou District real estate development projects as the carrier, reference books, the use of scientific methods, from project background, market research, financial analysis, uncertainty analysis and risk management of real estate development Venus analysis. In order for the future of real estate development provides a reference sample.

Keywords:real estate;the development of investment;financial analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计综述 1

第二部分 “城市花园”项目财务评价方案 5

第一章 概 述 5

1.1 选题背景及意义 5

1.2 国内房地产项目财务管理现状 5

第二章 房地产投资研究理论基础 7

2.1 主要研究内容 7

2.2 房地产投资项目财务评价的原则 7

2.3 房地产投资项目财务评价的目的 8

2.4 房地产投资项目财务评价主要评价方法 8

2.4.1 财务分析及相关报表编制 8

2.4.2 评价参数 9

2.4.3 财务评价步骤 9

第三章 “城市花园”房地产开发项目基本情况 10

3.1 项目概况 10

3.1.1 项目地址 10

3.1.2 项目概况 10

3.2 投资单位概况 11

3.3 自然条件与配套设施 11

3.3.1 自然条件 11

3.3.2 配套设施 11

3.4 市场分析与价格预测 12

3.4.1 价格水平分析 12

3.4.2 市场调查结果与数据分析 12

3.5 投资阶段分析 15

3.5.1 项目开发建设方案 15

3.5.2 项目建设主要内容 16

3.5.3 建设方式及进度安排 16

第四章 项目投资估算及资金筹措计划 17

4.1 总投资及资金筹措 17

4.1.1 投资估算 17

4.1.2 资金筹措 20

4.2 项目成本分析 21

4.3 项目的资金来源及平衡 21

第五章 项目销售和租赁收入测算 22

5.1 项目收入的确定 22

5.1.1 确定租售价格 22

5.1.2 租售方案 22

5.1.3 总收入的确定 22

5.2 项目租售税金及附加测算 22

第六章 项目财务评价 23

6.1 损益表与静态盈利能力分析 23

6.2 现金流量表与动态盈利能力分析 24

第七章 “城市花园”房地产开发项目不确定性分析 25

7.1 盈亏平衡分析 25

7.1.1 盈亏平衡分析方法 25

7.1.2 “城市花园”房地产盈亏平衡分析及评价 25

7.2 敏感性分析 25

7.2.1 敏感性分析的定义 25

7.2.2 敏感性分析的方法 25

7.2.3 房地产开发项目敏感性分析的步骤 26

7.3 财务风险分析 26

7.3.1 风险的涵义 26

7.3.2 财务风险分析方法 26

7.3.3 财务风险分析步骤 26

第八章 结论与展望 28

8.1 结论 28

8.2 展望 28

第三部分 我国房地产行业财务管理现状及分析 30

致 谢 33

参考文献 34

附 录 35

第一章 毕业设计任务

1.1 工程概况


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