
 2022-04-18 10:04


摘 要






This research is built on reciprocity preference theory and the Stackelberg games, taking a company A as an example to analysis supplier’s decisions in Confirming Warehouse financing.

First is the introduction of basic theories, namely the reciprocity preference and Stackelberg games, which lay the foundation for following decision model for supplier. Based on aforesaid theories, reciprocal utility function and payment function of the participants of confirming warehouse were put forward and combined to put forward a Stckelberg game model in which supplier was the leader and retailer was the follower, and the model was solved by backward induction. Then, the industrial condition and financing environment, financing context and detailed processes of company A were introduced. Considering company A’s reality and the decision model, financing tactics of company A was analyzed.

Finally, there are foundations of the research. Firstly, when reciprocal parameters are certain, the wholesale price will descend with increasing of order quantity and the buyback price will increase too. But sale price will descend simultaneously, which will stimulate demand. In the terms of utility, they are all going to increase at first and then decrease. When order quantity is a constant, increasing of reciprocity parameters will be companied by increasing of wholesale price and decreasing of buyback price, also will discourage demand but increase the utilities of both supplier and retailer. In term of company A’s financing tactics, it could increase wholesale price with lowering buyback price to inspire demand at the time of excess capacity, or increase reciprocal preference parameter with lowering wholesale price to control demand.

KEY WORDS: Confirming Warehouse financing, financing strategy, reciprocity preference, Stackelberg game

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 3

1.2 国内外研究综述 3

1.2.1 供应链金融相关研究综述 3

1.2.2 互惠偏好相关研究综述 7

1.3 研究内容与框架 9

1.4 本文主要工作 11

第二章 相关理论 12

2.1 互惠偏好的概念 12

2.2 Stackelberg博弈 13

2.2.1 Stackelberg博弈的概念 13

2.2.2 Stackelberg博弈的模型 13

第三章 互惠偏好下的保兑仓融资决策模型 16

3.1 问题描述 16

3.2 互惠偏好下的保兑仓融资决策研究 17

3.2.1 互惠偏好效用模型 17

3.2.2 保兑仓融资决策模型 18

3.3 数值分析 21

3.3.1 订购量对供应商决策的影响 22

3.2.2 零售商互惠偏好对供应商决策的影响 24

第四章 互惠偏好下A企业融资策略分析 28

4.1 钢铁行业现状分析 28

4.1.1 钢铁行业发展现状 28

4.1.2 钢铁行业融资现状分析 29

4.2 A企业保兑仓融资业务分析 30

4.2.1 A企业简介 30

4.2.2 A企业保兑仓业务分析 31

4.2.3 互惠偏好分析 33

4.3 A企业保兑仓融资策略分析 34

4.3.1 A企业融资问题描述 34

4.3.2 A企业融资策略分析 35

第五章 结论与展望 37

5.1 结论 37

5.2 展望 37

参考文献 39

致 谢 42

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景

  1. 供应链金融是解决中小企业融资困境的一个途径。




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