
 2023-02-04 09:02


摘 要

自中国加入WTO以后,国门大开,经济和社会得到了迅速的发展。中国企业走上了国际舞台,同时外国资本也迅速涌入中国市场。物流行业作为新兴行业的首当其冲,成为各大资本的必争之地。许多国际快递巨头如DHL, FEDEX等纷纷扎根中国市场,扩张势态强劲。国内第三方物流企业也如雨后春笋般出现,市场竞争异常激烈。但我国第三方物流企业因起步较晚、管理不规范、从业人员的整体素质不高等原因,客户满意度一直较低,尤其是与客户联系最为密切的配送环节,投诉率在总投诉量中一直居于高位。服务是物流的本质,要想在激烈的竞争中独占鳌头,更好地提高顾客满意和改善物流业服务绩效,提升顾客满意度己经成为目前我国物流行业转变发展方式的迫切任务。



Strategy Research on Customer SatisfactionImprovement in Deppon Logistics Distribution Business


Since China"s accession to the WTO, the country has opened wide and the economy and society have developed rapidly. Chinese companies have embarked on the international stage, and foreign capital has also rapidly poured into the Chinese market. As the emerging industry"s logistics industry bears the brunt, it has become a must-win place for major capitals. Many giants in the international express delivery industry such as DHL, FEDEX and other large multinational courier companies have taken root in the Chinese market and their expansion has been strong. Domestic third-party logistics companies have also emerged like mushrooms. Market competition is extremely fierce. However, due to the late start of the third-party logistics in China, the management is not standardized, the overall quality of employees and other reasons, customer satisfaction has been low, especially in the distribution link with the customer most closely linked, the quality of service has also become one of the focuses of customer complaints . Service is the essence of logistics. It is an urgent task for China"s industry to change its development mode in order to take the lead in fierce competition, improve customer satisfaction and improve logistics service performance, and improve customer satisfaction.

The article will take the representative of the third-party logistics company Deppon as an example, combine domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the relevant theory and model of customer satisfaction research, analyze the factors affecting the satisfaction of logistics, and use the modeling and questionnaires to investigate the customers of Deppon Logistics. Satisfaction is evaluated, and Deppon and Satisfaction indicators of the industry benchmarks are compared. The status of Deppon"s distribution business is analyzed, and Deppon"s problems in the distribution segment are found out, and corresponding improvement measures are provided to improve Deppon customer satisfaction. Degree, the purpose of retaining customers. 窗体底端

Keywords: Deppon; Quality of service; Customer satisfaction ; Industry benchmarking

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 研究内容及方法 1

1.3 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 客户满意度的界定 3

2.2关于客户满意度的影响因素的研究 3

2.3关于客户满意度评价的研究 4

2.4总结 5

第三章 德邦配送服务现状分析 6

3.1公司概况 6

3.2 德邦配送业务服务现状分析 7

3.3 德邦物流客户满意度评价 9

3.4调查数据汇总整理 14

3.5顾客满意度指数评价报告 15

第四章 客户流失现状成因分析 16

4.1客户流失现状 16

4.2成因分析 16

第五章 德邦提高客户满意度的改进措施 21

5.1提高送货时效的策略 21

5.2 减少货损率 23

5.3提高投递服务水平 24

致 谢 27

参考文献(References) 28

附录一:调查问卷汇总 29


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