
 2023-02-04 09:02


摘 要




Research on the Optimization of Cold chain Logistics in the Mode of Agricultural Super docking


With the development of agricultural industrialization, high-quality agricultural products need a broader market, and it is difficult for traditional agricultural products to establish a safe reputation in the minds of consumers and to ensure the value of high-quality agricultural products produced by ecological agricultural bases. As a result, many characteristic agricultural products are confined to the place of origin, which makes it difficult for agricultural products to enter the large market and circulate, thus leading to a disconnection between production and sales, which makes the marketing of agricultural products more difficult. And agricultural super docking mode can solve this kind of phenomenon that production and sale disconnect greatly. The rapid development of cold chain logistics in the mode of agricultural super-docking provides a great guarantee for food safety.

In the research on the optimization of cold chain logistics under the mode of agricultural super docking, the first part is to introduce several modes and present situation of agricultural super docking, and in the course of the development of agricultural super docking mode in China, the consumers" demand for the freshness of agricultural products is getting higher and higher. This requires the cold-chain logistics infrastructure to continue to improve, the pace of development to speed up. But there are many problems in cold chain logistics, so it is necessary to put forward the corresponding optimization measures for the problems that appear. This paper studies the current situation of cold chain logistics development and its problems and optimization measures under the mode of agricultural super docking.

Keywords: Agricultural Super docking Mode; Cold chain Logistics; Agricultural products

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 5

1.1 研究背景及意义 5

1.2 研究内容及方法 5

1.2.1 研究内容 5

1.2.2 研究方法 5

1.3 论文框架 6

第二章 文献综述 7

2.1关于农超对接模式的研究 7

2.2关于农超对接模式下冷链物流的研究 7

2.3总结 8

第三章 农超对接模式的特点和现状 9

3.1 农超对接模式 9

3.1.1超市 专业合作社 农户的模式 9

3.1.2沃尔玛“超市 中介农产品公司 农户”模式 9

3.1.3TESCO模式 9

3.2 农超对接模式的发展 9

3.2.1 农超对接模式的发展 9

3.2.2 农超对接模式的现状及不足 10

第四章 农超对接模式下冷链物流的现状、特点以及存在的问题 11

4.1 农超对接模式下冷链物流的现状 11

4.2 农超对接模式下冷链物流的特点 12

4.3 农超对接模式下冷链物流存在的问题以及成因分析 12

4.3.1农产品冷链物流基础设施设备欠缺,冷库建设存在地域差异,冷链物流的技术水平较低 12

4.3.2农产品冷链物流体系不完整,缺乏上下游整体规划和整合 13

4.3.3缺乏统一的关于农产品冷链物流技术标准,监管不到位 13

4.3.4缺乏专业的关于农产品冷链物流人才 13

第五章 农超对接模式下冷链物流的优化措施 14

5.1 完善农产品冷链物流基础设施,大力更新和发展农产品冷链物流技术与设备 14

5.2 建立完整的农产品冷链物流体系,整合农产品冷链物流资源 14

5.3统一农产品冷链物流技术标准,加大监管力度 14

5.4 加大力度培养专业的农产品冷链物流人才 14

第六章 案例分析——以家家悦超市为例 16

6.1 家家悦超市冷链物流发展的现状 16

6.1.1 家家悦超市的背景介绍 16

6.1.2 家家悦超市的农超对接模式下冷链物流的发展现状 16

图6.1.1 家家悦超市冷链物流流程 17

6.2 家家悦超市冷链物流出现的问题 17

6.2.1家家悦起步于三线城市,农产品冷链物流初步发展较慢 17

6.2.2家家悦超市农产品冷链物流经营成本较高 17

6.2.3家家悦超市对于农产品冷链物流精细化、标准化管理方面较弱 17

6.3 家家悦超市冷链物流的优化措施 18

6.3.1加快农产品冷链物流发展,加强家家悦超市的竞争能力 18

6.3.2降低家家悦超市农产品冷链物流经营成本,走精品生鲜路线 18

6.3.3加强家家悦超市农产品冷链物流精细化、标准化建设 18

6.3.4加强对于农产品冷链物流专业人才的培养 18

结 论 19

致 谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景及意义


农超对接模式是一种新型的农产品流通模式,通过建立农民与大卖场和大型批发市场之间的直接供应平台, 减少农产品流通中的中间环节和损失,从而降低流通成本,提高利润。农超对接模式的理念是提高农业产业化水平,农超对接模式最终达到了商家、农民和消费者的共赢的局面。冷链物流是以保持低温环境为核心要求的供应链系统,它是随着科学技术的进步而发展起来的制冷技术。冷链物流是利用制冷技术,具体是指使用冷冻工艺学为基础、以制冷技术为手段的低温物流过程,适用于新鲜农产品,如水果、蔬菜、肉类和水产品以及生鲜农产品,以确保其质量安全,减少浪费,防止污染。使其从生产到销售的各个环节中始终适用于低温环境的特殊供应系统。


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