
 2022-07-12 09:07


摘 要






关键词: 偷换二维码案 表见代理 盗窃


The paper aims to discuss the difficulties of Criminal Law and Civil Law in the QD code case. The text starts from the determination of the real victims to identify the crimes, and then analyzes the impact on the rechtsschein cases, cases involving theft and fraud and so on based on the idea of accusation of the case.

The paper consists of four chapters: according to the process of the QD code case, Chapter I will put forward the difficulties of Criminal Law and Civil Law, which leads to the analysis in the Chapter II and Chapter III.

Chapter II will proceed from the rechtsschein theory in Civil Law to analyze which part is the ultimate undertaker of the property loss. After a comparative analysis of the apparent agency, quasi possession of creditor’s rights and bona fide acquisition, the apparent agency is selected to get the conclusion that the merchant undertook the final property loss.

Chapter III will conclude that the real victim is the merchant based on the principle of unification of legal order, and then analyze the different criminal doctrines based on the premise that real victims are merchants and raises the focus of the dispute. After one by one analysis of the focus, the object of infringement was creditor's rights, because when mobile phone was used to scan QR code payment, the bank's claims would be transferred. And, in the QR code case, the merchant didn’t fall into the wrong understanding which would lead to dispose of property. The merchant didn’t know the QD code was changed, needless to say knowing that the property will flow into the actor’s account, so there was no disposition behavior required by fraud.

Chapter IV, on the basis of Chapter I, Chapter II and Chapter III, will conclude that the QD code case should constitute theft, and the idea of drawing conclusions can be extended to other similar cases.

Key words: QD code case, apparent agency, theft

目 录

摘要 3

Abstract 4

引言 1

一、二维码案的刑民难点 1

(一)二维码案的民法难点 1

(二)二维码案的刑法难点 2

二、从民法理论看二维码案 2

(一)表见代理理论适用分析 2

(二)债权准占有理论适用分析 4

(三)善意取得理论适用分析 6

三、二维码案刑法难点的解决 7

(一)民法理论在解决二维码案刑法难点中的应用 7

1、民法理论能应用于二维码案的刑法难点中 8

2、民法理论应用于二维码案的结论——真实受害人是商户 9

(二)商户为真实受害人的二维码案罪名争议 10

1、二维码案盗窃说与诈骗说的观点争议综述 10

2、二维码案罪名争议焦点及分析——犯罪对象和处分行为的认定 13

四、结论 17

(一)二维码案对权利外观案件的启示 17

(二)二维码案对盗骗交织案件的启示 18

(三)二维码案对互联网时代新型财产犯罪的启示 18

参考文献: 19

致谢 21


随着互联网技术的发展,传统支付方式遭遇改变革新,移动支付渐渐得到青睐,扫码付款在现实生活中比比皆是。但支付手段的革新,不仅是给生活带来便捷,也为犯罪带来了新的渠道。微博曾传:小偷通过调包某几家店的支付二维码,在家获取几十万元。但是,现在这已经不只是网上的段子,日常生活中并非没有这样的案件发生,比如:邹某于2017年2月至3月间,在石狮市多处商店的收款微信二维码调换成自己的微信二维码,骗取到本应转入被害人微信账号的钱款六千余元;[1] 2017年,有四人在广东省佛山市顺德区等地区以调换商户收款二维码的手段实施盗窃。[2]


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