
 2022-04-15 07:04


摘 要


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.2.1废旧手机回收物流模式研究 1

1.2.2废旧手机回收行为研究 2

1.3研究目的和意义 4

1.4研究方法与技术路线 4

1.4.1研究方法 4

1.4.2技术路线 6

第二章 相关理论基础 7

2.1逆向物流 7

2.2理性行为理论 7

2.3计划行为理论 7

第三章 研究假设与预调研 9

3.1研究变量与假设 9

3.1.1研究变量 9

3.1.2研究假设 10

3.2假设概念模型 11

3.4问卷编制 12

3.5回收行为预调研 15

3.6预调研结果分析 15

3.7本章小结 19

第四章 回收行为影响因素正式研究 20

4.1正式调研问卷 20

4.2调研问卷的效度检验 20

4.3调研数据的描述性统计分析 20

4.4调研数据的探索性因子分析 24

4.5模型及假设修正 26

4.5.1概念模型修正 26

4.5.2研究假设修正 28

4.5.3回归模型 29

4.6假设检验 29

4.6.1相关分析 29

4.6.2回归分析 31

4.6.3回归模型确定 32

4.6.4人口统计变量的差异性分析 34

4.6.5研究结果整理 38

4.7本章小结 39

第五章 研究结果讨论与展望 40

5.1研究结果讨论 40

5.2建议措施 43

5.2.1个人层面 43

5.2.2家庭教育层面 43

5.2.3学校教育层面 43

5.2.4社会层面 44

5.3研究不足与展望 45

5.3.1样本取值方面 45

5.3.2问卷设计方面 45

致 谢 46

参考文献 47

附录 50

摘 要







With the continuous development and innovation of mobile Internet technology, the cycle of updating electronic products is increasingly shortened, making the quantity and types of e-waste increase rapidly, which brings serious environmental safety risks. Moreover, the reusability of mobile phone parts and materials makes mobile phones the most valuable electronic products in the waste stream.

Young people, who have a strong demand for diversified functions and fashionable appearance of mobile phones, are the main force of mobile phone consumption. They change their mobile phones more frequently than other groups, especially college students, who often change their mobile phones several times before graduation. Hence, it is vital to investigate and study the influencing factors of college students' mobile phone recycling behavior.

The research results of this paper show that :(1) there is a significant correlation between students' intention to recycle abandoned mobile phones and their actual recycling behavior; (2) Behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, personal consumption concepts and knowledge related to informal channels are all positively correlated with the behavioral intention of students in A university to recycle used mobile phones; (3) There is also a significant positive correlation between situational factors and the behavioral intention of students in A university to recycle discarded mobile phones; (4) There is a significant relationship between behavioral purpose and recycling behavioral intention, in which there is a significant negative correlation and a positive correlation between economic interest and spiritual satisfaction purpose and behavioral intention. (5) There was a significant difference between grade and mother's education level in the behavioral intention of recycling used mobile phones of students in A university.

According to the research results, this paper puts forward specific Suggestions on these influencing factors, so as to improve the recycling behavior and environmental awareness of college students and graduate students, and thus make more contributions to the reverse logistics of mobile phone recycling.


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