
 2022-10-28 10:10


摘 要




Research on the Improvement of Fresh and Electronic Commerce Distribution Mode——Take M Enterprise as an Example


Due to the improvement of the level of modern science and technology and the rapid development of the Internet, in recent years, the rise of online shopping has brought fresh e-commerce into the view of consumers. More and more consumers choose to buy fresh products through the Internet. At present, the development status of fresh food distribution in China is not as good as that in developed countries. Problems such as the coverage rate of cold chain logistics is low, the consumption rate of fresh food is high, the cost of logistics is high, the degree of informatization is low, and the standardization of logistics generally exist in the industry. These problems restrict the further development of domestic fresh e-commerce and deserve our attention and solution.

This paper first analyzes the current situation of the development of the logistics and distribution of fresh and electronic commerce in China. Including the development status of fresh e-commerce industry, logistics and distribution model; Secondly, it analyzes the problems existing in the distribution of fresh and electronic commerce and some reasonable optimization strategies; Finally, this paper takes the small and medium-sized fresh e-commerce M enterprise as an example, looking for the logistics distribution mode suitable for the development of enterprises. The aim is to improve the efficiency of logistics distribution and reduce the cost of logistics distribution. Analyze the current situation of logistics distribution, the influencing factors of distribution, and the existing problems of distribution. Put forward the corresponding solution countermeasure. Hope to provide some references for the reasonable development of small and medium sized fresh e-commerce companies similar M enterprises.

Keywords: Fresh E-commerce; Distribution Mode; E-commerce Logistics; Cold Chain Logistics


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的 1

1.3 研究内容和方法 1

1.4 论文结构框架 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 生鲜农产品物流方面 3

2.2 冷链物流配送方面 3

2.3 电商物流配送模式方面 3

第三章 生鲜电商物流配送发展现状 5

3.1 生鲜电商发展现状 5

3.1.1 市场规模增长 5

3.1.2 行业受资本追捧 5

3.1.3 产品质量难保障 5

3.1.4 盈利难 5

3.2 生鲜电商物流配送特点 6

3.2.1 易损耗 6

3.2.2 时效性 6

3.2.3 物流成本高 6

3.2.4 物流配送点分散 6

3.3 生鲜电商配送模式分析 7

3.3.1 自营物流配送模式 7

3.3.2 第三方物流配送模式 7

3.3.3 众包配送模式 8

3.3.4 O2O物流配送模式 8

3.4 生鲜电商物流配送存在问题分析 8

3.4.1 冷链物流成本高 8

3.4.2 物流标准难统一 8

3.4.3 宅配难度大 9

3.4.4 信息化程度不高 9

第四章 生鲜电商物流配送优化策略 10

4.1 提高冷链效率 10

4.2 创新生鲜物流配送模式 10

4.3 加强第三方物流公司的建立 10

4.4 完善配送标准化 10

4.5 提高信息化程度 11

第五章 案例——以M企业为例 12

5.1 M企业简介 12

5.2 M企业物流配送现状与影响因素 12

5.2.1 M企业物流配送现状 12

5.2.2 M企业物流配送影响因素 12

5.3 M企业物流配送存在问题 13

5.3.1 自建冷链物流耗资巨大 13

5.3.2 全品类运营增加难度 13

5.3.3 宅配要求过高 13

5.4 M企业物流配送优化策略 14

5.4.1 获得资本融资 14

5.4.2 采用无人货架 14

5.4.3 采取前置仓模式 14

5.4.4 改进宅配服务 15

5.4.5 调整合理的SKU 15

第六章 总结与展望 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景



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