
 2022-07-06 01:07


摘 要






Since January 3, 2009, blockchain technology has been going on for nine years since mysterious programmer Nakamoto released Bitcoin. In the past nine years, the encrypted digital currency market has thrived. So far, only 1864 kinds of encrypted digital currencies have been included in the feixiaohao search site. By May 2018, the market value of the entire encrypted digital currency market was 300 billion yuan, and it is predicted that there will be a large number of assets in the future, expanding the entire encrypted digital currency market.

As for the encrypted digital currency market brought by blockchain, there will be more and more capital inflows in the future, but at present, there is still a lack of research on this market. The study of the factors that influence the price of tokens in this market is of great significance to market supervision, investor benefit analysis, and project party financing methods.

Therefore, this article studies the influencing factors of the stock price of traditional listed companies and the influencing factors on the valuation of Internet companies, and summarizes some indicators that can be used to analyze the influencing factors of the price of blockchain tokens. At the same time, through the analysis of specific projects—the project of blockchain application to the Internet of Things—the R project, the factors that affect the price of the R project token R token, including the number of currency holders and media, are found through regression analysis. Clicks, social platform focus, global blockchain index, code update frequency, 24 hours trading volume, etc.

Key words:IOT;Blockchain;Analysis of price influence factors;Multiple Regression;


摘要 III

Abstract 4

第一章 绪论 6

1.1 选题背景与意义 6

1.2 相关文献综述 7

1.2.1 传统股票的价格影响因素 7

1.2.2 互联网企业股票价格影响因素 8

1.3 研究内容 8

第二章 区块链项目代币的影响因素 10

2.1 代币与股票的区别 10

2.2 影响代币价格的宏观因素 10

2.2.1 宏观因素概览 10

2.2.2 社会因素 11

2.2.3 政策因素 11

2.2.4 其他代币因素 12

2.3 影响代币价格的微观因素 12

2.3.1 微观因素概览 12

2.3.2 项目开发部分 12

2.3.3 项目运营部分 13

2.3.4 代币经济模型部分 13

第三章 R项目分析与R代币经济模型介绍 14

3.1 区块链技术在物联网行业中的应用 14

3.2 R项目简介 15

3.3 R代币经济模型 16

第四章 影响R项目代币价格的因素分析 18

4.1 解释变量的选取 18

4.1.1 媒体点击量 19

4.1.2 代码更新频率 19

4.1.3 社交平台关注量 20

4.1.4 全球区块链指数 21

4.1.5 二十四小时总交易量 21

4.1.6 持币地址数 22

4.2 多元回归分析 22

4.2.1 模型建立 22

4.2.2 图像分析 23

4.2.3 回归结果 26

4.2.4 回归检验 27

第五章 总结与展望 29

5.1 研究结果总结 29

5.2 后续研究展望 30

致谢 31

参考文献 32



区块链技术又被称为分布式账本技术,最开始是一种互联网数据库技术,其特点是公开透明、去中心化、去中介化。1991年,由Stuart Haber和W.Scott Stornetta第一次提出了基于区块的加密保护链产品,随后由Ross J.Anderson与Bruce Schneieramp;John kelsey分别在1996年和1998年发表。与此同时,Nick Scabo在1998年进行了电子货币分散化的机制研究,他称之为比特金。2000年,Stefan Konst发表了加密保护链的统一理论,并基于此提出了一套方案。

2008年由一位匿名的程序员中本聪在一篇论文《bitcoin:a peer to peer electronic cash system》中提出了区块链的概念,发起了一场伟大的、不可逆的社会革命。比特币主要由四大创新组成:


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