
 2022-06-23 08:06


摘 要




After the disaster of Jingkang, the former Northern Song Dynasty poets faced the cruel reality of foreign invasion, territorial insecurity and forced exile. The original life direction was rewritten and the mentality was severely hit. The works of ci-poets drifting southward fully reflect the changes of the minds and ideology during the changeable generation; especially in the selection and use of images, there are obvious differences between the works before and after drifting southward. The image of birds is a common image of Chinese classical poetry, and contains a rich emotional symbol and ideological connotation. Therefore, the image of birds can be regarded as an entry point to explore the mentality of ci-poets drifting southward in a special historical period. Through the statistics and classification of the images of birds in the works by the years of creation of ci-poets drifting southward, it can be seen from the macroscopic level that the poets use the images of “warbler” and “swallow” to express the comfort and richness of life before drifting southward. In the works after drifting southward, the images such as “crow”, “geese”, and “gulls” were used to express the pain of the country’s destruction and the thoughts of the homeland and the ideal of escaping the world. Combining the texts and personal experiences after drifting southward, it can be seen from the microscopic level that there are obvious differences in the choice and use of bird images between different periods and different poets. This is the external performance of the mind’s complex evolution of the literati after drifting southward. In addition, from the literary aesthetic point of view, the bird images used by ci-poets drifting southward have inherited the writing practice of previous generations, and they also have unique innovations that belong to this era, which have had a profound influence on the later generations of literati. These inherited choices and innovations changes are also closely related to the special mentality of the literati in the social environment at the changeable generation.

KEY WORDS: ci-poets drifting southward, bird image, mentality of writer


摘要 I

Abstract II

绪论 1

第一章 南渡词作中的鸟类意象概述 5

第一节 南渡词作中的鸟类意象统计 5

(一)统计方式与原则 5

(二)统计结果 6

第二节 南渡前词作中常见的鸟类意象 7

(一)莺/鹂 7

(二)燕 8

(三)鸟 8

第三节 南渡后词作中常见的鸟类意象 9

(一)杜鹃/子规/鶗鴂/啼鴂 10

(二)鹏 11

(三)鹤 12

第二章 南渡词人的复杂心态在鸟类意象中的体现 13

第一节 苦难现实的描写方式——以鸦意象的不同用法为例 13

(一)悲惨命运带来的绝望 14

(二)难抑愤懑的家仇国恨 15

(三)逃避现实中寻求解脱 16

第二节 人生道路的决断与选择——以鸿雁意象的不同用法为例 18

(一)抒发报国抗敌的志向 18

(二)陷入思乡念旧的迷惘 21

(三)明哲保身中远离危险 22

第三节 归隐之后的心态差异——以鸥鹭意象的不同用法为例 24

(一)飘泊无依的孤鸥 25

(二)身隐心未隐的鹓鹭 25

(三)田园牧歌式的鸥鹭 27

第三章 南渡词人对鸟类意象的传承与新变 29

第一节 对前代文人鸟类意象的传承 29

(一)文学大家开创的经典鸟类意象——以“倦鸟”意象为例 29

(二)文人自发使用的流行鸟类意象——以“鸿”、“雁”意象为例 30

第二节 对鸟类意象创作惯例的革新 32

第三节 南渡词人鸟类意象对后世的影响 34

结语 37

参考文献 38

致谢 42


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