
 2022-01-30 08:01


摘 要

16012406 赵欣宇

指导教师 时斌




Abstract:With the reducing of fossil fuels, the development of clean and renewable energy generation technology and the march of storage technology, complying with social demands of the reform of electricity markets, the combination of distributed generations and the present power grids has drawn more attention recently and has already been put into practice. The Energy Internet, which is based on new energy technology and information technology, has been emerging now. The power router based on power electronic conversion is the core component of the Energy Internet. On the one hand, it provides interfaces for distributed generations to connect with the existing network as an energy supplement and provides flexible interfaces for different kinds of load and energy storage devices to make using electricity easier at the same time. On the other hand, the real time monitoring of grid nodes can be realized through its install communication and decision making units, so the active deployment of power and the independent multidirectional energy flows can also be brought about. This paper discusses the research hotspots closely related to the power router. By comparing the power router with the information router, the similarities and differences are easy to see, and the functions and requirements of the power router are introduced. The implementations of the power router, realized by the electric energy packet and the solid state transformer, are also shown in this paper. The principle of the electric energy packet is simply introduced, and the solid state transformer’s is introduced emphatically. Several topological structures of the solid state transformer are analyzed. We also do some theoretical researches about the power and voltage balancing control on the cascaded solid state transformer, which contains input stage, isolation level and output stage, and choose a better control strategy.

Key words: Power Router; Solid State Transformer; Topology; Control Strategy


1. 绪论 1

1.1.课题研究背景 1

1.2.相关研究热点 2

1.2.1.分布式发电 2

1.2.2.需求侧管理 3

1.2.3.储能技术 3

1.3.电能路由器的功能与要求 3

2. 电能路由器的实现方案 5

2.1.能量包 5

2.2.固态变压器 6

3. 固态变压器的发展 8

4. 固态变压器的控制策略 11

4.1.输入级控制策略 11

4.1.1.基于PI调节的控制策略 11

4.1.2.不同开关模式的H桥控制策略 12

4.1.3.调制比重构的控制策略 14

4.1.4.共同占空比的控制策略 15

4.2.隔离级控制策略 16

4.2.1.电流采样功率环的控制策略 16

4.2.2.无电流采样环的控制策略 17

4.2.3.跟随控制的控制策略 17

5. 总结 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 绪论


第二次工业革命把人们带入了“电气时代”。人类将原始能源转换成电能的手段已经十分成熟,可再生清洁能源发电也得到关注并发展起来。到上世纪80年代末期为止,比重较大且较为重要的发电形式有火力发电、水力发电和核能发电,其中,火力发电也是电能生产的主要来源。其他能源发电的形式虽然有多种多样,如风力发电、生物质能发电等,但受到了技术、资源获取的限制,规模都不大。火力发电通常使用的燃煤、燃油和燃气均为化石能源。化石燃料的产生速度极为缓慢,其开采使用量却极大,造成了资源的迅速消耗。在现使用的火力发电设备中,通常会选择用水作为汽轮机的冷却介质,一座装机容量为1000兆瓦的火力发电厂每天的耗水量可以达到近十万吨。我国全国的火力发电厂每年可以消耗约五千万吨的标准煤。火力发电也会产生大量的污染物,在给人类带来便利的同时,也带来了一定的弊端, 给环境带来的较为严重的危害。火力发电伴随而来的有烟气污染和粉尘污染。锅炉中的煤炭直接燃烧,排放到空气中的废气含有较大量的二氧化硫、氮氧化物等酸性气体[[1]],这些污染性气体是产生酸雨的重要原因。酸雨不但会腐蚀建筑物,更会危害人类的健康,引发一系列疾病。我国每年会产生近140万吨的二氧化硫气体。火力发电还会产生大量的烟尘、粉煤灰污染,危害电站附近生活的人们的身心健康以及会对环境带来隐患,造成污染。我国每年会产生近1500万吨烟尘。火力发电方式造成的污染严重,对于我国这个能源进口、消耗大国,第二大电力生产国的发展中国家来言,电力工业带来的污染排放必须引起高度重视。

在改进火力发电弊端的同时,为了减小发电对环境的影响,缓解地球上化石燃料短缺的现象,以求最终解决人类社会面临的能源问题,人类把目光投向了储藏量远远超过化石燃料,能长期满足发电的需要的核燃料,以及不会给环境带来太大危害的可再生清洁能源,如取之不禁、用之不竭的风能、太阳能等。与火力发电可以不间断、集中供电不同,可再生能源供电具有间断性、地理分散性、不可控性和随机性,如太阳能发电受到光照时间和光线强度的影响 。为了充分的利用可再生能源发电,并且考虑到电网的电能质量,减小因为可再生能源发电的惯性较小而给已有大电网带来的干扰,大量的储能设备投入到电网中去。


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