
 2022-01-30 08:01


摘 要

16012508 崔文琪

指导教师 高赐威





关键词:典型智能电网设备;聚合响应建模; 控制策略;可靠性


Demand-side resources, including air conditioners, heat pumps, electric vehicles and so on, can be adjusted quickly in a certain range and thus provide balancing power by responding to control signals, e.g. price signal or incentive signal. With the development of smart grid, advanced smart meter has provided physical support for demand side response. Smart meters together with such flexible resources, can be seen as smart grid equipment which share the characteristics as generator and load, serving as power system reserves. This project conducts research on the potential and reliability of fast-response loads in four parts: individual response model, aggregated response model and reliability analysis:

Firstly, build response model for typical smart grid equipment. Air conditioner is selected as a typical type of smart grid equipment and an operation model is built based on working principle and heat transferring process. By simulating cycling power fluctuation of an air conditioner, it is confirmed that air-conditioning loads can adjust power consumption according to fit temperature quickly and thus participate in power system operation flexibly.

Secondly, conduct researches on aggregated response model and corresponding control scheme. Sudden change of fit temperature will result in superposition of air conditioning loads in different state space, which is the reason for diversity loss. According to different temperature-adjusting time, three types of control schemes are designed to avoid diversity loss and violent fluctuation. Aggregated response under different control scheme and temperature variation is further analyzed so that appropriate control mode can be selected based on different scenarios.

Lastly, aggregated response is proved to satisfy the requirements of 10min spinning reserve. The reliability of reserves provided by aggregated air conditioners is calculated by Monte Carlo simulation, based on which reliability tests are conducted on RTS79 system, proving the hypothesis that demand-side reserve can largely improve system reliability.

Keywords: typical smart grid equipment; aggregated response model; control scheme; reliability

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 主要技术方法的研究现状 1

1.2.1 需求侧负荷提供辅助服务可行性研究 1

1.2.2 典型可控设备建模研究 2

1.2.3 聚合可控负荷提供备用可靠性研究 2

1.3 课题研究框架 3

1.3.1 需要研究的问题 3

1.3.2 研究体系 3

1.4 研究成果及意义 4

第二章 典型智能电网设备模型 5

2.1 引言 5

2.2 典型可控负荷建模——以空调负荷为例 5

2.2.1 空调负荷运行机理 5

2.2.2 空调负荷数学模型及参数设置 6

2.2.3 空调核心算法 9

2.3 空调负荷个体随实时电价的响应特性 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第三章 可控负荷聚合响应模型 11

3.1 引言 11

3.2空调负荷群多样性破坏分析 11

3.3计及多样性保持的空调负荷群控制 12

3.3.1异步调整式空调负荷群聚合功率控制 13

3.3.2同步调整式空调负荷群聚合功率控制 14

3.3.3中断调整式负荷群聚合功率控制策略 16

3.4 柔性负荷聚合模型响应特性 17

3.4.1 基于蒙特卡洛法的柔性负荷聚合仿真 17

3.4.2 三种控制方式下空调聚合响应仿真 18

3.4.3 温度调节幅度对聚合功率的影响分析 21

3.5 本章小结 25

第四章 聚合智能电网设备提供备用可靠性评估 26

4.1 引言 26

4.2 聚合空调负荷提供备用类型 26

4.3聚合空调提供备用可靠性分析 27

4.3.1 无备用调度下用户自然聚合功率 27

4.3.2空调负荷群响应可靠性仿真 28

4.4 引入聚合负荷备用后系统可靠性仿真 32

4.4.1 系统可靠性评估算法 32

4.4.2 系统可靠性指标 33

4.4.3 空调负荷群提供备用容量的系统可靠性仿真 34

4.5 本章小结 34

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1 课题总结 35

5.2 课题拓展 35

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


需求侧管理(DSM)在许多国家已得到广泛实施,需求侧负荷与发电侧协同运行能够提高电力系统运行的安全性和经济性。目前用户侧可以利用的可控负荷主要分为两大类:恒温负荷(空调、冰箱、热泵等)和电动汽车。恒温负荷具有热储能特性,在不影响用户舒适度的前提下,可通过调整其设定温度,控制启停状态从而改变输出特性。电动汽车则可以视作具有移动特性的储能设备,通过V2G 技术实现与电网的互联和电能的回馈,可充当辅助服务提供者的角色。由于用户侧资源具有极强的随机性和分散性,将其纳入电网运行不可避免地增多了电网运行中的风险因素,因此需要充分评估其提供辅助服务的可靠性,在保证电网安全稳定运行的前提下实现对其的高效利用。


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