基于 J2EE 技术的网上购物系统的设计与实现

 2023-03-22 10:03


摘 要

当今时代,电商逐渐流行起来,慢慢融入了人们的生活。所谓电商,就是电子商务,是指以信息网络为手段,以商品交换为中心的商务活动。亦可以理解为在互联网(Internet)、企业内部网(Intranet)以及增值网(Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务的活动。电子商务是传统商业活动各环节的电子化和网络化。



关键词: 网上购物系统 ; J2EE ;SQL Server ;电商

The design and implementation of online shopping system based on J2EE technology


Nowadays, e-commerce gradually becomes popular, slowly into people"s lives. The so-called e-commerce, e-commerce, refers to the information network as a means of exchange, as the center of the business activities to the goods. It can be understood as the Internet (Internet), the enterprise internal network (Intranet) and value-added network (Value Added Network) on the trading activities and related services to electronic trading activities. E-commerce is a network and traditional commercial activities of the various aspects of the.

Electronic commerce arising because of the rapid development of the Internet, and in Internet open network environment makes both in do not know each other, not all business activities required to meet the conditions, has brought great convenience to people"s life. At the same time, but also to create the popular online purchase goods and online payment is completed, related service activities of a new business model.

This paper mainly studies the electronic commerce and online shopping system. Online shopping system based on J2EE technology provides the basic goods shopping for the user, the user can browse the goods, by registered as mall member can enjoy the mall for members to provide service. Mainly is the personal information management members, shopping cart management, merchandise management, member of the order management etc.. Online shopping system is electronic commerce essential part, people through the platform of the network shopping to people"s life brought great benefits.

Key Words: Online shopping system ;J2EE ;SQL Server ;E-commerce


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1系统研究背景 1

1.2网上购物系统概述 1

1.3现存组织系统概况 2

1.3.1组织目标和战略 2

1.3.2现行业务存在的问题 2

1.4拟建立的基于J2EE的网上购物系统 2

第二章 开发环境及工具、技术 3

2.1系统开发环境 3

2.2开发工具 3

2.2.1 开发平台MyEclipse 10.0 3

2.2.2 Web 应用服务器Tomcat 6.0 3

2.2.3 数据库 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 4

2.3 开发技术 4

2.3.1 JSP技术 4

2.3.2 JavaBean技术 4

2.3.3 JDBC数据库连接技术 4

第三章 系统分析 6

3.1 可行性分析 6

3.1.1 技术可行性 6

3.1.2 经济可行性 6

3.1.3 社会可行性 6

3.2 需求分析 6

3.3 功能分析 9

3.3.1 前台商品展示功能 9

3.3.2 前台用户模块功能 9

3.3.3 购物车模块功能 10

3.3.4 后台用户管理模块功能 10

第四章 数据库设计 11

4.1 创建数据库 11

4.2 在数据库中创建表 12

4.2.1 会员信息表user 12

4.2.2 管理员信息表manager 13

4.2.3 商品信息表goods 14

4.2.4 大类别商品信息表bigType 15

4.2.5 小类别商品信息表bigType 15

4.2.6 订单信息表order 16

4.2.7 订单明细信息表orderDetail 17

4.2.8 商城公告信息表info 18

4.2.9 友情链接信息表link 19

第五章 系统设计 20

5.1 前台商品展示模块 20

5.1.1 新品及特价商品显示 20

5.1.2 商品检索 20

5.2 前台用户模块 21

5.2.1 用户注册 amp; 会员登录 21

5.2.2 找回密码 22

5.3 购物车模块 23

5.3.1 商品详细信息展示 23

5.3.2 添加商品到购物车 24

5.3.3 显示购物车 25

5.3.4 修改及清空购物车 25

5.3.5 生成订单 26

5.4 后台用户管理模块 27

5.4.1 管理员登录、查询、添加、删除、密码修改 27

5.4.2 会员查询、删除 28

5.4.3 商品查询、添加、删除以及特价商品设置 29

5.4.4 类别查询、添加、删除 30

第六章 系统运行与测试 31

6.1 系统运行 31

6.1.1 前台商品展示模块 31

6.1.2 前台用户模块 32

6.1.3 购物车模块 33

6.1.4 后台用户管理模块 34

6.2 系统测试 36

结束语 38

致谢 39

参考文献(References) 40

绪 论





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