
 2023-02-17 09:02


摘 要






Realization of party fee calculation and payment function based on salary income and B/S structure


With the continuous development of Internet technology, the combination of network thinking and computer technology has had a profound impact on the current working methods and means of all walks of life, especially in the field of government affairs. The party building system, as the main way of government affairs and organization management in China, the current development is also changing with the strengthening of network technology. Therefore, in order to accomplish tasks efficiently, it is imperative to use computer technology to realize a networked party building system.

Party fees are a source of party members’ contributions to party organizations and a necessary component of party organizations’ management systems. For party members, paying party fees is an obligation. As the Communist Party of China continues to grow, a number of outstanding party members have also been born, and the workload of collecting party fees has increased. For different people, the calculation method of party fees is not the same. It is necessary to consider other factors in various aspects, which leads to the traditional method of calculating party fees, which is labor-intensive, error-prone, low-efficiency and too cumbersome. Nowadays, with the development of network technology, the use of network and computer technology can improve the quality and efficiency of party collection.

In order to solve the party fee management needs of party building in the current tax system, this paper designs and implements the party fee calculation and payment system based on salary income and B/S structure. First, investigate and collect relevant technologies and theories that may be used in this system, and elaborate on them, including B/S architecture, DjangoMVT mode, MySQL database, Python language, JSP language and other technologies. Secondly, understand the organizational methods and processes in the party fee system and a series of formula algorithms used to calculate the party fees. Based on the knowledge of software engineering, the system performs demand analysis, summary design, detailed design, feasibility analysis, system analysis and functional testing. Combine the operating mode of the Djang framework to analyze the security of the system. Using the results of data modeling in the requirements analysis phase, design the structure of the database table of this system, and write out the descriptions and constraints of each field in the form of a table.

After completing this system, the system is thoroughly and thoroughly tested. First of all, there must be environment test configuration including software and hardware environment, writing use cases, ER diagrams, etc., according to the divided modules for detailed testing, not only to ensure that the function is correct, but also to be operability, ease of use and performance must be detailed Explain that the results of the test can also fully demonstrate that the system of this study basically meets the requirements.

Keywords:Django; management system; B/S architecture



摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外现状分析 1

1.2.1 国内 1

1.2.2 国外 2

1.2.3 分析及结论 2

1.3 论文组织结构 2

第二章 理论及技术 3

2.1 B/S架构 3

2.1.1 B/S架构简介与介绍 3

2.1.2 优点 3

2.1.3 缺点 3

2.2 Python语言 3

2.2.1 Python的起源和发展 3

2.2.2 优点 4

2.2.3 缺点 4

2.3 Django框架 4

2.3.1 Django框架简介 4

2.3.2 开发流程 5

2.3.3 优点 5

2.3.4 缺点 5

2.4 MySQL数据库 6

2.5 JSP语言 6

2.5.1 JSP的产生背景 6

2.5.2 JSP的本质 6

2.5.3 JSP的运用 6

2.6 绘图工具Visio 7

2.7 本章小结 7

第三章 系统分析与概要设计 8

3.1 可行性分析 8

3.1.1 技术可行性 8

3.1.2 经济可行性 8

3.1.3 操作可行性 8

3.2 功能性分析 8

3.2.1 系统开发的目的 8

3.2.2 系统开发的要求 9

3.2.3 角色 9

3.2.4 系统的核心算法 9

3.2.5 E-R图 12

3.2.6 用例说明 12

3.3 数据库设计 13

3.3.1 关系型数据库MySQL 13

3.3.2 数据表的设计 14

3.3.3 表格代码语句 16

3.4 本章小结 19

第四章 系统的详细设计与实现 20

4.1 系统框架结构 20

4.1.1 Pycharm的配置 20

4.1.2 项目的创建 20

4.1.3 Django的配置 21

4.2 具体代码实现 22


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