
 2022-07-02 10:07


摘 要





With the continuous advancement of Internet technology, The Internet industry is developing rapidly and extends to other industries. Internet finance is a product of innovation combining the Internet and finance. Since its introduction, it has been highly concerned by all parties. In the Internet financial model, the development of e-commerce financial services has the greatest impact on the economy and finance.
On the basis of reviewing relevant theories, this paper first analyzes the reasons for the rise of e-commerce finance and the factors involved in the micro-level, and then focuses on three models of consumer credit, supply chain financing, and crowdfunding, and summarize it in detail. It concludes that the e-commerce platforms develop financial services which can speed up the operation of capital flows, increase the efficiency of the use of funds, and have a positive impact on its business ecosystem. Then from the industry level, the development status and industry characteristics of e-commerce finance are analyzed. through the analysis of scale, concentration and industry barriers to entry, the e-commerce financial industry has a high degree of concentration, high barriers to entry, monopoly features in conclusion. Then, using case studies, we focused on the domestic financial e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba, JingDong, and Suning Commerce Group as well as their major financial business content, and conducted a comparative analysis of their financial business development paths. This article believes that there are no advantages or disadvantages in the development path of its financial business. All of these are based on the development of its own business and all contribute to the construction of its business ecosystem. Finally came to the conclusion, and based on the previous analysis of various aspects of e-commerce finance put forward corresponding recommendations.

KEY WORDS: Internet finance, e-commerce finance, consumer credit, supply chain finance, crowdfunding

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

  1. 序言 1
    1. 研究背景 1
    2. 研究意义 1
      1. 现实意义 1
      2. 理论意义 1
    3. 研究方法 1
    4. 研究思路 2
  2. 文献综述 3
    1. 关于互联网金融的相关综述 3
    2. 关于电商系统的相关综述 3
    3. 文献述评 4
  3. 互联网金融发展的基础 5
    1. 互联网发展的理论基础 5
      1. 信息经济学理论 5
      2. 声誉理论 5
      3. 网络经济学理论 6
      4. 长尾理论 6
    2. 互联网金融发展的现实基础 7
  4. 电商金融微观层面分析 8
    1. 电商金融的兴起原因 8
      1. 电子商务的迅速发展 8
      2. 中小微企业融资困难 8
      3. 电商金融具有成本优势 10
      4. 大众对个性化、碎片化金融服务的需求 10
    2. 电商金融的基本参与要素 10
    3. 电商金融的主要模式 11
      1. 消费者信贷模式 11
      2. 供应链金融模式 12
      3. 众筹融资模式 13
  5. 电商金融行业层面分析 16
    1. 国内电商金融行业的发展状况 16
    2. 电商金融产业分析 17
      1. 集中度分析 17
      2. 行业壁垒分析 18
      3. 波特五力分析模型 19
    3. 国内电商金融现阶段的行业特征 20
  6. 案例分析 21
    1. 阿里巴巴—蚂蚁金服 21
      1. 发展历程 21
      2. 阿里金融业务汇总 22
    2. 京东—京东金融 23
      1. 发展历程 23
      2. 京东金融业务汇总 24
    3. 苏宁易购—苏宁金融 25
      1. 发展历程 25
      2. 苏宁金融业务汇总 25
    4. 阿里金融、京东金融、苏宁金融的商业发展路径分析 26

结论及建议 28

致 谢 30

参考文献 31

序 言




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