
 2022-08-10 08:08


摘 要


关键词:江苏省城镇化 外商直接投资 层次分析法 误差修正模型


Year 2016 is the starting year of the 13th “Five-Year Plan”, during which period the New-Pattern Urbanization has the focus of the work of the country. Fertilizing the efficiency of production, enhancing sustainable and harmonious development and further improving the productive structure are all of the motivative factors. Under the condition of open economy, Foreign Direct Investment has a positive effect on the economic prosperity of urban areas through Industrial agglomeration effect and so on. Whether there exists interaction between urbanization and foreign direct investment? Do they have respectively different interaction in short run and long run? Jiangsu province has rich experience in both developing urbanization and using foreign direct investment, thus in this paper Jiangsu province will be the study subject. Using data from year 2000 to 2014, this paper includes an overall evaluation of urbanization of Jiangsu province based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. Furthermore, Error correction model (ECM) will be utilized in this paper to analyze the interaction between the urbanization of Jiangsu province and FDI. The empirical results show that there is a two-way interactive relationship between urbanization and FDI in Jiangsu province in the long term. In the short run, the interactive relationship has deviation of one to two years. The three main part of Jiangsu province have a decreasing trend from high to low in respect of urbanization and FDI. In year 2012, the northern region of Jiangsu province overweighed the middle region for the first time, and since when the tendency remained stable. The empirical result indicates the interaction between urbanization and FDI in the middle region appears more significant in the short run, that is, FDI and urbanization level have more influential effect on each other compared to that in the long run. Things go the opposite when it comes to the situation of the northern part, where the interaction between FDI and urbanization clines to long-term equilibrium.

Key Words: Urbanization in Jiangsu Province; FDI; AHP Model; Error Correction Model


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.2研究内容、方法和技术路线 5

1.3主要创新点 6

第二章 文献回顾 7

2.1发展中国家的“城镇化”现状及存在问题 7

2.2发展中国家的研究现状 8

2.2.1城镇化发展对外商投资的影响 8

2.2.2外商直接投资对城镇化发展的影响 8

2.2.3 城镇化发展和外商直接投资的互动机理 9

2.3 本章小结 10

第三章 江苏省城镇化发展与外商直接投资的状况 11

3.1苏南、苏中、苏北地区城镇化发展现状分析 11

3.2 苏南、苏中、苏北外商直接投资现状分析 12

3.3 江苏省城镇化发展量化指标的构建 13

第四章 外商直接投资和城镇化互动关系的计量模型与实证检验 18

4.1单位根检验与计量模型设定 18

4.2江苏省外商直接投资和城镇化互动关系实证研究 19

4.2.1 单位根检验 19

4.2.2 协整检验 19

4.2.3 误差修正模型 20

4.3 省内三大区域的外商直接投资和城镇化互动关系研究 21

4.3.1 苏南地区 22

4.3.2苏中地区 23

4.3.3 苏北地区 23

4.3.4 苏南、苏中、苏北地区实证结果的比较分析 24

4.4 本章小结 25

第五章 结论与启示 26

5.1主要结论 26

5.2政策建议与启示 27

5.3不足与展望 27

致谢 29

参考文献 30

第一章 绪论





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