
 2023-02-03 10:02


摘 要



A Study on FDI Location Selection and Its Influencing Factors in China"s Service Industry


Since 1970, the world economy has entered the era of "service economy". Under the background of economic integration and trade globalization, China"s service industry is also affected. With the development of the country, China"s service industry market is increasingly open. Therefore, FDI in China"s service industry shows signs of rapid development and has an increasing trend year by year. At the same time, services are different from other industries, especially manufacturing, which opened up earlier. The service industry has its unique characteristics of its own business activities, so the location selection of foreign direct investment in the service industry is also different from other industries (such as manufacturing, etc.). With the opening up of China"s service industry in the 21st century significantly increased compared with the last century, the industry with the largest share of China"s total foreign direct investment has shifted from manufacturing to service industry, and exceeded half (50%) for the first time in 2010. Therefore, it is of great economic significance to study FDI in China"s service industry. Based on the characteristics of the service industry, this paper studies the current situation of FDI in the international service industry, and then makes an in-depth analysis of the current situation and characteristics of FDI in China. Finally, on this basis, this paper studies the location selection of FDI in China"s service industry and the factors affecting the location selection of FDI in China"s service industry. Through a series of research and analysis, specific conclusions are drawn and appropriate Suggestions are put forward for the development of FDI in China"s service industry.

Key words: China"s service industry; FDI; Location selection; Factors affecting

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究相关概念界定 1

1.3 研究的意义和目的 1

第二章 中国服务业FDI的区位选择及其影响因素研究的文献综述 3

第三章 中国服务业外商直接投资现状分析及区位选择 5

3.1 全球服务业FDI现状分析 5

3.1.1 全球服务业FDI的状况分析 5

3.1.2 全球服务业FDI的发展与特征 5

3.2 中国服务业FDI现状分析 6

3.2.1 中国服务业FDI的发展历程 6

3.2.2 中国服务业FDI的状况 7

3.2.3 中国服务业FDI的特征 8

3.3 中国服务业FDI的区位选择现状分析 9

第四章 影响中国服务业FDI区位选择的因素 11

4.1 基础设施、市场规模和市场潜力因素 11

4.2 人力资本和国家政策环境因素 11

第五章 总结及建议 13

5.1 不断完善中西部地区区域投资环境和外商投资准入法律法规 13

5.2 提升国民服务消费水平,优化服务产业结构,加强开放载体建设 13

5.3 创造人才优势,引导优势服务企业向国际化发展 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

第一章 引 言

1.1 研究背景



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