
 2022-02-06 07:02


摘 要



通过对公路货运车辆能源效率评价指标的对比,中国各指标评价结果均优于美国,可以得出中国公路货运车辆的能源效率优于美国。中国各车型燃油消耗率数据在6.44-21.19英里/加仑间,美国各车型燃油消耗率数据在5.16-15.01英里/加仑间。中国各车型Ton-MPG数据在12.8-161.6 千磅英里/加仑间,美国各车型Ton-MPG数据在6.2-85.8千磅英里/加仑间。通过对中美货运车辆各车型特点的对比,可以得出该结果产生的原因有两点。一是美国公路货运车辆车速明显高于中国,二是中国货运车辆实际载货量明显高于美国。中国公路货运车辆的能源效率虽然优于美国,但中国货运行业不足之处在于:中国的货车运输速度较慢,对公路基础设施的损耗较高,安全性亦较差。

关键词: 燃油消耗率; 能源经济性; 能源效率; 货运车辆; 能源使用

A Comparative study on energy efficiency of road freight vehicles between China and US


With the rapid development of economy and society, China's road freight industry is increasing rapidly. The technology of road freight vehicles has also made considerable progress. However, improving the energy efficiency of road freight vehicles is becoming more and more important. China, US and Japan have formulated relevant policies and regulations with regard to road freight vehicles.

In the study of the energy consumption rate of road freight vehicles,we review the current policies and their characteristics at first. What’s more, the fuel consumption rate of freight cars in China and US can be obtained through the literature survey and data collection. Through the calculation of the fuel consumption rate and related data ,we can evaluate the 3 indicators of the fuel economy of China and the United States about freight vehicles. After we make evaluation of the 3 indicators of fuel economy, we found that fuel economy of road freight vehicle in China is better than that of US. At the end of this study,we analyze of the causes of this phenomenon.

Understanding the current government measures and future potential policies can help us have a comprehensive understanding of fuel consumption.In addition,we can analyze the possible development trends and scenarios of energy efficiency and freight transport efficiency. After comparing the different types of freight vehicles in China and US, it can be concluded that the reason is that the payload of China's road freight vehicles is higher than that of US. In addition , the speed of China's road freight vehicles is lower than that of US.

KEY WORDS: fuel-consumption rates; fuel economy; energy efficiency; freight vehicles; energy use

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2国内外公路货运车辆能源效率研究现状 3

1.2.1国内公路货运车辆能源效率研究现状 3

1.2.2国外公路货运车辆能源效率研究现状 3

1.3 研究思路与技术路线 4

1.3.1本文研究思路 4

1.3.2本文技术路线 5

1.4本文的主要研究内容 6

第二章 公路货运车辆能源效率对比研究方法 7

2.1公路货运车辆能源效率评价方法 7

2.2公路货运车辆能源效率评价方法所需数据 8

2.3研究对象可比性 9

2.4本章小结 9

第三章 公路货运车辆车型划分方法 10

3.1中国公路货运车辆车型划分方法 10

3.2美国公路货运车辆车型划分方法 11

3.3本文公路货运车辆车型分类方法 13

3.4本章小结 14

第四章 公路货运车辆能源效率数据来源 15

4.1中国公路货运车辆能源效率数据来源 15

4.1.1针对公路货运车辆的行业标准 15

4.1.2针对公路货运车辆的大规模相关调查 16

4.1.3针对公路货运车辆能源效率的文献调查 17

4.2美国公路货运车辆能源效率数据来源 18

4.2.1针对公路货运车辆大规模的全国普查 18

4.2.2针对公路货运车辆能源效率的其他研究 19

4.3本章小结 22

第五章 数据处理与分析 23

5.1公路货运车辆能源效率数据处理思路 23

5.2中国公路货运车辆能源效率数据处理 23

5.3美国公路货运车辆能源效率数据处理 25

5.4 Ton-MPG数据处理 28

5.5本章小结 29

第六章 对比结果与原因探讨 30

6.1中美公路货运车辆能源效率评价指标对比结果 30

6.1.1前两个评价指标对比结果 30

6.1.2第三个评价指标对比结果 31

6.2评价指标对比结果原因探讨 32

6.2.1 前两个指标对比结果原因探讨 32

6.2.2 第三个指标对比结果原因探讨 33

6.3本章小结 35

总结与展望 36

致 谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪 论




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