
 2022-12-21 04:12


摘 要


Research on intelligent parking system planning based on demand orientation —— Take Kunshan City as an example


Urban traffic is a complex complex complex of dynamic traffic and static traffic interaction. The problem of parking difficulty affects the normal operation of the whole urban traffic system. In order to alleviate the parking difficulty caused by the parking information asymmetry, cities at home and abroad are committed to the development of intelligent parking system. The system effectively adopts advanced big data access, storage and exploration schemes, and connects the scattered parking resources through the Internet. Break the information island. It solves the contradiction of large gap in total number of berths and high vacancy rate of berths. Cloud computing provides real-time, comprehensive and multi-dimensional information services, and government management departments provide analysis and decision-making functions to improve management level and effectively improve the operating efficiency of parking lot operation enterprises. In this paper, nine subsystems are combined to achieve the demand orientation of building a complete intelligent parking system. Realize the construction of three platforms: basic data layer, operation management layer and decision-making service layer, and form a decision-making release system and parking management background service system based on the integration of travel routes and parking suggestions through intelligent means, so as to realize the dynamic and static traffic linkage development and alleviate urban traffic congestion.

【keywords】 Intelligent Parking; Parking Management System; Functional Requirement; Kunshan City


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国内研究现状 2

1.3.2国外研究现状 2

1.4.1研究目的 3

1.4.2研究内容 3

1.4.3研究方法 4

第二章 智慧停车系统必要性分析 5

2.1智慧停车发展环境分析 5

2.2智慧停车实施的必要性 6

第三章 智慧停车系统功能需求分析 9

3.1经验借鉴 9

3.2经验总结 12

3.3功能需求分析 12

3.3.1公众停车服务需求 12

3.3.2企业运营管理需求 13

3.3.3政府监督决策需求 14

第四章 智慧停车系统架构规划设计研究 15

4.1设计原则 15

4.2总体架构 15

4.3子系统功能设计 17

4.4昆山智慧停车系统实例分析 24

4.4.1现状分析 24

4.4.2存在的主要问题及应对措施 28

4.4.3实例分析 29

第五章 结论与展望 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论


随着我国城市人口的不断增长,机动地车保有量也持续上升,停车困难、出行不便等问题已成为各大城市普遍面临的问题,同时,随着各地加快智慧城市建设,如何把握“互联网 ”和大数据时代有利外部环境,实现交通需求管理、停车系统内外部协调统一,成为当前城市居民出行急需解决的问题。







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