
 2022-07-14 02:07


摘 要





The strategy of developing public transportation is becoming more and more important in solving the problem of urban congestion. With the development of the demand of public transportation, more and more cities begin to carry out the construction of rail transit. The high-intensity land use around the subway station usually leads to a large number of pedestrian traffic flow near the subway station and the intersections around the subway station.

This paper studied the planning and design of the intersections around the subway station. First, the relevant research materials at home and abroad were reviewed, and the requirements and principles of intersection design were summarized according to the current norms in China. Second, through the Baidu map and field survey, the main technical parameters in the planning and design of the key intersection of the road around Nanjing subway station were collected, and the main features of the intersection design were summed up by the statistical analysis method. Third, on the basis of extensive analysis and research, the main principles and methods in designing the non-motorized traffic of intersection around the subway station were summarized. Fourth, the typical subway station intersections were studied and the design methods and optimization measures were discussed. Last, the simulation experiments were carried out with PTV-VISSIM software, which studied the influence of different pedestrian crossing traffic control modes on the performance of intersections.

KEY WORDS: Intersection design,subway station, pedestrian crossing behavior, traffic simulation

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3研究意义、论文内容与技术路线 2

1.3.1研究意义 2

1.3.2论文内容 2

1.3.3技术路线 3

1.4本章小结 3

第二章 地铁站周边交叉口特性分析 4

2.1地铁站出入口分类及选址 4

2.2地铁站周边交叉口特点 5

2.3地铁站周边交叉口行人及非机动车过街行为特性 5

2.3.1地铁站周边交叉口行人过街行为特性 5

2.3.2地铁站周边交叉口非机动车过街行为特性 6

2.4地铁站周边交叉口行人及非机动车交通设施 6

2.4.1地铁站周边交叉口行人过街交通设施 6

2.4.2地铁站周边交叉口非机动车过街交通设施 7

2.5本章小结 7

第三章 地铁站周边交叉口规划设计 8

3.1南京市地铁站周边交叉口类型调查 8

3.2南京市地铁站周边交叉口设计调查 9

3.3地铁站周边道路交叉口设计一般步骤 11

3.4地铁站周边道路交叉口慢行交通设计方法 13

3.4.1地铁站周边道路交叉口行人交通设计 13

3.4.2地铁站周边道路交叉口非机动车交通设计 14

3.5本章小结 16

第四章 地铁站周边交叉口信号控制研究 17

4.1胜太路-利源路交叉口现状 17

4.1.1交叉口地理位置 17

4.1.2周边用地情况及交叉口相交道路 18

4.1.3交叉口几何设计现状 18

4.1.4交叉口周边公共交通服务设施 19

4.1.5交叉口交通量 20

4.2胜太路-利源路交叉口现状评价及优化建议 22

4.3地铁站周边道路交叉口信号控制方案仿真实验 24

4.3.1PTV-VISSIM仿真软件介绍 24

4.3.2仿真建模 24

4.3.3仿真结果评价指标 26

4.4仿真实验结果及分析 27

4.5本章小结 29

第五章 总结与不足 30

5.1本文总结 30

5.2研究不足 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32

  1. 绪论



地铁作为城市中最常见的轨道交通,其全线封闭,站点是其与外界相通的节点,随着TOD模式的推广,越来越多的地区选择在地铁站点周边进行高强度土地开发,以提高公共交通的吸引力。同时,由于共享单车的发展,选择“地铁 共享单车”的出行方式的人也越来越多。这就导致了地铁站点周边常常伴随大量的行人流和非机动车流。


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