
 2022-02-24 07:02


摘 要

Abstract 2

第一章 引 言 3

第二章 酒店跨界的内涵及理论基础 4

2.1酒店跨界的内涵及发展 4

2.2酒店跨界发展的理论基础 5

2.2.1产业融合理论 5

2.2.2 顾客需求理论 6

2.2.3产品创新理论 7

第三章 国内酒店业跨界发展的现状及问题 8

3.1 中国酒店业跨界现状 8

3.1.1酒店跨界起步晚 8

3.1.2 跨界水平不高、经验不足 9

3.1.3跨界意识不够,集中范围有限 9

3.2中国酒店跨界面临的主要问题 10

3.2.1行业水平落后阻碍跨界发展 10

3.2.2酒店结构不合理,发展不平衡 10

3.2.3民族品牌在竞争中较为疲软 10

3.2.4理论知识与实践不足 11

第四章 酒店跨界发展的推动力 11

4.1科技进步促使酒店跨界 11

4.2市场需求促使酒店跨界 12

4.3市场竞争促使酒店跨界 12

4.4酒店跨文化管理推动跨界 14

4.5网络营销改变了固有营销模式 14

第五章 酒店跨界发展的参考模式 16

5.1酒店建设方面 16

5.1.1酒店与地产结合发展 16

5.2产品打造方面 17

5.2.1酒店与服务产业结合发展 17

5.2.2酒店与休闲娱乐结合发展 19

5.3 营销创新方面 20

5.3.1酒店与影视行业结合发展 20

第六章 酒店跨界发展的措施 21

6.1把握市场风向,了解客户需求 21

6.2 建立品牌合作,共享会员信息 21

6.3整合区域资源,融入美学内涵 21

6.4避免业态重叠,产品交替互补 22

6.5注重人才培育,积极招贤纳士 22

6.6 打造企业文化,形成品牌效应 23

6.7挖掘中国文化,增强民族自信 23

6.8不断创新完善,坚持与时俱进 23

第七章 结语 23

参考文献: 25





Analysis Of Hotel Crossover Development In China



With the expansion of market demands and continual growth of consumer numbers, hotel industry is confronted with challenges as well as opportunities in China. One of the changes is market segment, an increasingly growing trend, which leads diversity and diversification common characteristics of all companies in our time. Product innovation, industrial integration and customer needs to promote the prevalence of crossover.Thus, the best way to the industry leader is innovation which requires companies to meet consumers ’needs and improve themselves in a market with  constant changes. Looking at the international, many different brands have launched a cooperation with the hotel industry, straddling a hotel innovation path, which is jointly decided by the technological progress, market demand, the development of the times, cultural integration. As a relatively new field, cross-border domestic hotel still exist many problems, the industry development started late, the overall level of lower than international level, personnel flow rate, hotel personnel lack of practical problems are restricting the cross-border. In a highly variable market environment, how to achieve the transformation of the hotel through cross-border also has many of the ideas, such as the construction of the hotel, the product and service to build, the combination of marketing on Cross-border.However, crossover strategy has been adopted by different industries, as well in hotel industry, and become an inevitable choice of enterprise innovation. 

Key Words: hotel; crossover; Industry convergence


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