
 2022-09-01 05:09


摘 要

企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,简称 CSR),是指企业除了进行正常的经营行为,尽可能创造利润营收之外,还应对国家、社会、自然环境尽到一定的责任,并且对公司股东、债权人、员工、顾客、供应商、社区等利益相关方负责。在旅游产业高速发展的今天,旅游企业除了确保自身的稳步经营之外,更有承担相应社会责任的义务,而目前企业社会责任对游客决策行为影响作用的研究目前在学界仍旧处于较为空白的领域。本文选取了在企业社会责任承担方面较具有代表性的南京金陵饭店作为对象,从金陵饭店的年度社会责任报告出发,结合社会责任理论,评析其社会责任所涵盖的范围、社会责任履行的大致状况,并采用访谈法对其游客进行访谈,对定性数据进行分析处理,最终得出企业社会责任得以影响游客决策行为的核心因素、重要因素和外部因素,尝试为游客如何将企业社会责任倡议作为其决策行为标准提供一个更直观、更易理解的过程,并期望为国内的旅游企业更好更顺利地履行社会责任提供参考,成为我国旅游企业不断进取并且愿意主动承担社会责任的推进动力。



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the enterprise in the conduct of their own business activities, to maximize profits, but also to the national and social development, the natural environment and resources, as well as corporate shareholders, creditors, employees, Customers, suppliers, communities and other stakeholders should bear the responsibility. In the rapid development of the tourism industry today, the tourism enterprises in addition to ensuring their own stable operation, but also bear the corresponding social responsibility obligations, and the current corporate social responsibility for the decision-making behavior of tourists qualitative research on the role of the study is still in the academic community is still relatively blank field. This paper chooses the Nanjing Jinling Hotel, which is representative of CSR in the corporate social responsibility. Based on the annual social responsibility report of Jinling Hotel, combined with the theory of social responsibility, it analyzes the scope of social responsibility and the general situation of social responsibility , And interviews with its visitors, the analysis and processing of qualitative data, and finally come to the core factors, important factors and external factors that influence corporate social responsibility to influence the decision-making behavior of tourists, and try to make the corporate social responsibility initiative Decision-making behavior standards to provide a more intuitive and easier to understand the process, and look forward to the domestic tourism enterprises better and more smoothly to fulfill their social responsibility to provide a reference for China's tourism enterprises continue to make progress and willing to take the initiative to take social responsibility to promote the power.

KEY WORDS: Corporate social responsibility;Tourist decision-making behavior ;Qualitative research

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究目的 2

1.4研究方法 2

1.4.1文献研究法 2

1.4.2访谈法 3

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1企业社会责任的概念研究 3

2.1.1旅游企业社会责任的界定 4

2.1.2旅游企业社会责任对游客旅游产品评价的影响 5

2.1.3游客的企业社会责任意识和企业社会责任的信息传播 5

2.2游客决策行为的概念研究 5

2.3企业社会责任与游客决策行为的关系 6

2.4本章总结 6

第三章 金陵饭店社会责任概况 7

3.1金陵饭店现状 7

3.2金陵饭店社会责任承担的涵盖范围 7

3.3金陵饭店社会责任的履行状况 7

3.3.1股东与债权人权益保护 7

3.3.2员工权益保护 8

3.3.3供应商与顾客权益保护 8

3.3.4环境保护与可持续发展 8

3.3.5公共关系与社会公益事业 9

3.4本章总结 9

第四章 数据收集 9

4.1样本统计 10

4.2访谈数据分析 10

4.2.1游客对企业社会责任的普遍认识 10

4.2.2选择金陵饭店的原因 11

4.2.3企业社会责任在旅游决策过程中的优先级 12

4.3本章总结 12

第五章 分析结论 13

5.1核心因素 13

5.2重要因素 13

5.3外部因素 13

第六章 总结 14

参考文献 17

附录 19


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