
 2022-02-13 05:02


摘 要

今年(2016年)被称为VR(Virtual Reality,虚拟现实)元年,同时,与之相关的AR(Augmented Reality,增强现实)等技术也在高速发展。旅游行业作为一个颇具时尚特色的行业,不管是国外还是国内,对于这两项技术的研究和应用都在不断深入。






This year (2016) is called the first year of VR ( Virtual Reality) , at the same time, AR (Augmented Reality) and other similar technologies are also in the period of rapid development. The tourism industry is a very fashionable industry,the research and application of these two technologies are in constant exploration whether internally or externally.

This paper analyses and distinguishes the concept of VR and AR based on the present situation of researches and applications.Also,the necessity and technical feasibility of it are explained with the help of questionnaire investigation . If a new technology is used in an industry,we need a technological process first to guide us.This paper establishes the corresponding implementation model based on the thorough understanding, and analyzes the specific applications according to the model. The combined application mechanism of the whole process of tourism based on the VR and AR is set up,and the system of “four DAO” Smart Tourism based on the VR and AR is also built up.This system shows the analysis and interpretation comprehensively.Finally, through the analysis of two practical application cases in our country,looking into the future use of VR and AR technology in the Smart Tourism Looking forward that this article can be helpful for the tourism government departments, tourism enterprises,technology development companies and other related industries to develop smart tourism.

KEY WORDS:VR technology, AR technology, Smart Tourism, Application Model, “Four DAO” System

目 录

摘 要 2

Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 6

1.1 引言 6

1.2 VR技术概述 6

1.3 AR技术概述 6

1.4 VR与AR的概念辨析 6

1.4.1 交互区别 7

1.4.2 技术区别 7

1.4 智慧旅游概述 8

1.5 必要性分析 8

1.6 技术可行性分析 9

第二章 现状分析 10

2.1 应用现状 10

2.1.1 国外应用现状 10

2.1.2 国内应用现状 11

2.2 研究现状 11

2.2.1 国外研究 11

2.2.2 国内研究 12

第三章 应用分析 14

3.1 VR技术在智慧旅游中的应用 15

3.1.1提前了解,有所选择 16

3.1.2实时预定,尽在掌握 17

3.1.3虚拟体验,美妙回忆 17

3.1.4提前沟通,选择旅伴 18

3.1.5虽不开放,仍能深入 18

3.1.6实地旅游,还用VR 19

3.1.7 旅游之后,回顾评价 19

3.2 AR技术在智慧旅游中的应用 20

3.2.1 类智能机,即时预订 20

3.2.2 指示清晰,简洁便利 20

3.2.3 深度旅游,尽情享受 21

3.2.4 娱乐渗入,提升丰度 21

3.2.5 加强互动,及时评价 22

3.2.6 回顾全程,重温美好 22

3.3 VR与AR技术的结合应用机制 22

3.4 利用VR与AR技术的“四导”智慧旅游体系全览 24

第四章 我国实际应用案例分析 25

4.1 VR 智慧旅游实际案例:赞那度公司的“旅行VR”App 25

4.1.1 赞那度与“旅行VR”App简介 25

4.1.2 现存问题与发展方向 26

4.2 AR 智慧旅游实际案例:Realmax公司的丹东鸭绿江数字旅游体验区 26

4.2.1 丹东鸭绿江数字旅游体验区AR技术利用简介 27

4.2.2 现存问题与发展方向 27

结 束 语 27

致 谢 28

参 考 文 献 28

附 录 30

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言

伴随着我国信息化建设的大力推进,各个产业之间的逐步融合发展日益得到重视。“互联网 ”的概念便是在这一背景下出现的,于是“智慧旅游”这样一个由“互联网 旅游”衍生出来的新命题出现了,越来越多的高新技术也不断出现,丰富了智慧旅游的内容与形式。VR和AR这两项新兴技术就是在这样的环境中不断渗入旅游行业中来,成为“智慧旅游”一个重要的技术组成部分。


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