
 2022-05-27 10:05


摘 要






With the continuous improvement of people's material living standards, their spiritual and cultural needs are further enhanced. However, under the current population and environmental pressures, rural tourism has become an important means for people to release mental pressure, improve their spiritual life and their quality of life. Therefore, the development of rural tourism in the current environment is facing great pressure for survival. For the western part of China, its unique ecological environment and natural geographical conditions not only promote the local rural tourism, but also bring various restrictive factors for its development, such as the lack of economic development level, the relative backwardness of transportation and traditional culture, which have a certain impact on the further improvement of its rural tourism quality.

By using the methods of literature analysis and field investigation, starting from the restrictive factors of rural tourism in Western scenic spots, taking LeBugou spot in Tibet as an example, the author, explores the current situation and existing problems of rural tourism in LeBugou and analyses the causes of the problems one by one, and explores the factors leading to the problems. Finally, on the basis of summing up the problems and reasons, the author puts forward corresponding solutions from the local reality to solve the problems of local rural tourism development and to promote the further improvement of local rural tourism sites. Take it as an example, in order to promote rural tourism construction in Western China.

KEY WORDS:Rural tourism,New rural construction,Urban-rural integration,Tourism development


目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

绪论 1

一、本文的选题背景和研究意义 1

二、国内外文献综述 2

三、本文研究的主要内容 4

四、研究方法 5

第一章 相关概念和理论基础 6

第一节 乡村旅游的内涵 6

一、乡村旅游的定义 6

二、乡村旅游的内容 6

第二节 理论基础 7

一、旅游可持续发展理论 7

二、旅游客体文化理论 7

三、利益相关者理论 7

四、旅游需求与供给理论 8

第二章 勒布沟景区旅游发展现状与问题分析 9

第一节 勒布沟景区发展概况 9

一、勒布沟景区的现状 11

二、勒布沟景区发展特点 11

第二节 勒布沟景区发展的优势与机会 11

一、勒布沟景区发展的优势 11

二、勒布沟景区发展的机会 12

第三节 勒布沟景区发展存在的问题 14

一、旅游产品缺乏特色 14

二、旅游景区的客流量不足 14

三、基础设施不完善 14

第三章 勒布沟景区旅游景点存在问题的原因分析 16

第一节 旅游产品定位不清 16

第二节 乡村旅游营销推广手段滞后 16


第三节 经济与社会的发展滞后于旅游发展需要 17

第四章 勒布沟景区旅游景点的发展对策 17

第一节 把握市场定位和打造特色乡村旅游产品 17

一、勒布沟景区的旅游属性定位 17

二、勒布沟景区的市场换季属性 18

三、勒布沟景区的品牌发展属性 19

第二节 择优营销手段及加大营销力度 21

一、政府主导和多元力量参与的营销模式 21

二、细分市场分类营销模式 21

三、自由行与跟团游兼顾的营销模式 22

第三节 完善乡村旅游基础设施的建设和改造 23

一、加强道路建设 23

二、加强通讯建设 23

三、加强食宿设施建设 23

第五章 结语与展望 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 26







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