
 2022-04-17 10:04


摘 要








The real estate industry is the national economic lifeline. Since May 1, 2016, the reform about transition from business tax to value-added tax(BT-to-VAT) has covered the real estate industry, which means this tax reform has entered the closing stage. Besides the static capital structure, the speed and method of capital structure adjustment are bound to be influenced by BT-to-VAT in the real estate industry.

According to the Securities Regulatory Commission's industry classification standard of 2012, 113 real estate enterprises listed and traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen A-shares from 2014 to 2018 are selected as research samples, including 56 state-owned real estate enterprises and 57 non-state-owned real estate enterprises. Based on the method of least squares dummy variable corrections, the target capital structure is firstly estimated. Following that, the great influence of BT-to-VAT on the deviation from the target capital structure is also discussed. After differentiating different property rights, this study further studies the impact of BT-to-VAT on the speed of capital structure adjustment by establishing a partial adjustment model. Additionally, in the sub-sample of over-indebted real estate enterprises, the logit model is used to research the impact of BT-to-VAT on capital structure adjustment methods.

The following conclusions are reached in this thesis:

Firstly, the BT-to-VAT minimized the degree of deviation from the target capital structure. Secondly, it decreased the speed of capital structure adjustment. Thirdly, the impact of the tax reform was more prominent in non-state-owned enterprises, which react more quickly and adjust more effectively in the face of changes. Finally, before the reform, the main channel for adjusting the capital structure was net debt financing. After the reform, the net equity financing method was significantly reduced, but the impact on the net debt financing method was small.

In this thesis, the main purpose is to help real estate enterprises make scientific and rational capital structure decisions by taking advantage of national macro-tax regulations, and to deepen the reform of the whole financial system. In addition, the study under different property rights structure provides a good support for promoting the reform of government functions.

KEY WORDS: BT-to-VAT, real estate enterprise, capital structure, dynamic adjustment

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2研究思路与研究方法 2

1.2.1研究思路 2

1.2.2研究方法 2

1.3可能的创新与不足之处 3

1.3.1可能的创新之处 3

1.3.2不足之处 3

1.4结构安排与研究内容 4

1.5相关概念界定 5

1.5.1营改增 5

1.5.2房地产 5

1.5.3资本结构 5

第二章 文献综述 6

2.1营改增国内外研究动态 6

2.2资本结构动态调整国内外研究动态 7

第三章 理论基础与研究假设 10

3.1营改增与偏离目标资本结构的程度 10

3.2营改增与资本结构调整速度 10

3.3营改增与资本结构调整方式 11

3.4不同产权性质下营改增与资本结构调整速度 11

第四章 实证研究 13

4.1样本选择和数据来源 13

4.2变量定义及实证模型设定 13

4.2.1变量定义 13

4.2.2营改增影响偏离目标资本结构程度的实证模型 16

4.2.3营改增影响资本结构调整速度的实证模型 16

4.2.4营改增影响资本结构调整方式的实证模型 17

4.3描述性统计分析 17

4.4实证结果分析 20

4.4.1营改增与偏离目标资本结构程度 20

4.4.2营改增与资本结构调整速度 21

4.4.3营改增与资本结构调整方式 22

4.5稳健性检验 23

4.5.1变量替代的稳健性检验 23

4.5.2模型设定的稳健性检验 24

4.5.3 估计方法的稳健性检验 25

第五章 结论与启示 26

5.1研究结论 26

5.2研究展望 26

5.3启示 27

参考文献 29

致谢 32


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