
 2023-01-16 08:01


摘 要





Investigation Of Perfecting The Environmental Tax System Based On Green Development


Nowadays, with the rapid development of global economy and the high degree of economic globalization, global environmental pollution, air pollution and other environmental problems are becoming increasingly grievous. Countries began to attach importance to environmental protection and actively put forward the concept of green development. Governments of all countries have decided to use tax policies to promote people"s awareness of green environmental protection Further promote the concept of green life. On the the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, general secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of green development for the first time. In the nineteen major reports of the party, general secretary Xi Jinping further put forward: "adhering to the harmonious co-existence of man and nature, and building ecological civilization are the millennium plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation." Comprehensively deepen the system innovation of green development, improve the system design of green consumption, and promote the formation of green development mode and life style. With the continuous improvement of people"s awareness of environmental protection, the old environmental tax system can not play a more beneficial role in environmental protection.

However, the environmental tax system of our country is put forward relatively late, the framework is relatively simple, and the adjustment is not enough to support the follow-up requirements of the society, the environmental tax system of our country does have many loopholes compared with the environmental tax system of developed countries, and it is difficult to play the green function of environmental tax in social development. With the continuous development of China"s politics, economy and society, the environmental tax system must be adjusted and improved in time according to the national conditions. The environmental tax systems of the United States, South Korea, Japan and the European Union are also at the first-class level in the world. They are not only rich in theoretical research, but also have rich experience in practice. The green effect plays a more obvious auxiliary role in their countries. The improvement of China"s environmental tax system can well draw on and absorb the advantages of their policies, This is of great significance to the improvement of China"s environmental tax system. Therefore, a deep understanding of the concept of green development, give full play to green development, can better improve China"s environmental tax system.

Based on this, this paper, from the perspective of green development, based on the theoretical basis of environmental tax system and green development, analyzes the current situation and problems of China"s environmental tax system, draws lessons from foreign environmental tax policies, and adjusts them to a certain extent according to the needs of China"s national conditions, so that they can play a positive role in China"s environment, We should have a deep understanding of the green development theory so as to put forward effective suggestions to improve our environmental tax system. The suggestions mainly include two-sided measures, such as expanding the scope of Taxation and raising the tax rate and other reverse guidance measures, put forward specific suggestions such as reducing taxes for environmental behavior, which play a positive role in guiding people"s behavior and provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of China"s environmental tax system..

Keywords: Green development; Environmental tax system; Improve and perfect; Tax revenue


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3研究内容及方法 1

1.4国内外文献综述 2

第二章环境税收体系与绿色发展的理论基础 3

2.1绿色发展理论基础 3

2.2环境税收体系的理论基础 3

第三章我国环境现状分析 5

3.1环境污染物排放状况 5

3.2我国水、耕地、矿产资源状况 6

3.3我国环境税收现状分析 8

第四章我国环境税收体系存在的问题分析 9

4.1征税范围小 9

4.2税率设置低 9

4.3税收优惠政策不科学 9

4.4征管方式不完备 9

第五章国外环境税收政策借鉴 10

5.1加拿大环境税收政策 10

5.2爱尔兰环境税收政策 10

5.3澳大利亚环境税收政策 10

5.4国外环境税收政策借鉴 10

第六章环境税收体系的优化对策建议 12

6.1正确定位绿色发展理念 12

6.2丰富税种多样化税率相互协调配合 12

6.3完善税制协调机制 12

6.4做到专款专用 13

结论 14

致谢 15

参考文献(References) 16




为了发展我国在战争时期遗留下的经济问题,我国做了许多尝试,于是在中国在改革开放初期,国家就提出了要以经济建设为中心,提升国家生产力,快速发展我国经济,很快我国就成为世界第二大经济体。我国为了推进经济的高速发展,放宽开厂设企业的限制,许多企业看到政府政策的出台,积极跟随政策,但是有些企业为了取得较多的利润,盲目地开发环境,过度消费我国的环境,对我国的环境造成了很多不可逆转的伤害。我国早先的经济发展方式是粗放型,具有高消耗、高投入、大规模发展的特征,不可再生资源被利用的时候 由于我国人口基数的性质,导致小小问题集合起来变成了对资源的开发利用过度,耶造成了许多不可再生能源的滥用,对环境造成无法估量的损害。随着我国社会经济的不断变好,使得人们的文化水平也得到很大程度的提升,环境保护的意识越来越强烈,环境保护问题受到人们的重视,提出要求设立环境保护税的民众也越来越多,政策的出台也刻不容缓了。在党的十九大报告中,习近平总书记进一步提出:“坚持人与自然和谐共生,建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计。”[5]2016年人民代表大会通过了环境保护法的草案并且宣布在此法将在2018年1月1日起正式施行。环境保护税法到现在已经实行了三年多,提出此提案的目的是为了保护和改善环境,减少污染物排放,推进生态文明建设,对现如今的社会也起到了一定的积极作用。






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