
 2023-04-12 03:04


摘 要



Enterprise Cross-border Mamp;A Financial Risk Management Problems And Countermeasures:In The Case of Smith Field Shuanghui Acquisition


In recent years, with the continuous implementation of the strategy of "going out", our country more and more big business depending on her solid capital capability and will look to overseas, the development of the enterprise landscape from the region also extends to the world, seek new investment goals in the world"s largest economies, transnational mergers and acquisitions.However, the success rate is not high, in the numerous factors influencing factors in play a critical role in the success of mergers and acquisitions is the management of financial risk, in terms of transnational itself, it is a financial activity, because in the whole process of mergers and acquisitions, every decisions or is eventually reflected by its cost to the enterprise"s financial position.In this paper, by reviewing the related literature both at home and abroad, the possible financial risks of transnational mamp;a, including pricing risk, financing risk and payment risk and the risk of financial integration research, on this basis, the smithfield shuanghui mergers and acquisitions, for example, using ratio analysis and financial analysis to conduct the risk assessment of target enterprise, in order to determine the size of the enterprises face financial risk, and give feasible Suggestions and countermeasures for the prevention of and Suggestions are put forward.

Keywords:  Transnational merger and acquisition; Financial risk; Ratio analysis; Leverage analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1 本文研究背景及意义 1

1.2 本文研究思路与方法 1

1.3 本文相关概念界定 1

1.3.1 跨国并购 1

1.3.2 财务风险 2

1.4 全文结构框架 3

第二章 相关文献综述 4

2.1 国外相关文献研究 4

2.2 国内相关文献综述 4

2.3 文献述评 5

第三章 企业跨国并购与财务风险现状 6

3.1 企业跨国并购现状 6

3.2 企业跨国并购财务风险现状 6

3.3 企业跨国并购财务风险存在的问题 6

3.3.1 并购经验不足,定价能力缺乏 6

3.3.2 融资能力不强 7

3.3.3 并购支付方式单一 7

3.3.4 财务体系、管理制度及人员整合问题 7

第四章 企业跨国并购财务风险防范 8

4.1 企业并购定价风险防范 8

4.2 企业并购融资风险防范 8

4.3 企业并购支付风险防范 9

4.4 企业并购财务整合风险防范 9

第五章 双汇并购史密斯菲尔德财务风险防范案例分析 11

5.1 并购双方公司简介 11

5.1.1双汇国际 11

5.1.2史密斯菲尔德 11

5.2双汇并购动机 11

5.3 并购前期对史密斯财务风险识别与评估 12

5.3.1比率分析法评估 12

5.3.2 杠杆分析法评估 13

5.4 双汇防范财务风险应对措施 13

5.5 双汇并购前后经营业绩分析 14

5.6 并购案例启示 15

结束语 17

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 概述

1.1 本文研究背景及意义



1.2 本文研究思路与方法



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