
 2023-04-11 10:04


摘 要




Research on The Financing Problem of SMEs in Guangdong Province


Guangdong Province as an economic high-speed operation in the coastal developed areas, small and medium-sized private enterprises in the province in the national economy occupies an important position, small and medium-sized enterprise the survival of the status quo and development environment has also been more and more attention and concern, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises the most troubled troubled -- problem of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, in recent years caused the study and discussion of many social from all walks of life.

Guangdong Province small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult problem is also the author intends to research object, this paper intends to start from the research significance and background of Guangdong small and medium-sized private enterprises financing problem from the beginning, in the summary and the integration of domestic and foreign academic circles predecessors on the theory of the financing problem of small and medium enterprises based on, from the three aspects of the financial environment, the government and enterprises detailed analysis of Guangdong Province small private enterprise development status and financing status, draw their own reasons and external factors of the financing difficulty of small and medium-sized private enterprises in Guangdong Province. Financing channels for SMEs. Is studied in this paper. The and puts forward measures for, so that the scientific theory of financing has been applied, to broaden the financing channels for small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to get rid of the difficult financing situation, and promote the healthy development of the national economy.

Keywords: Guangdong Province; SME’s; Financing Difficulties;Private enterprise


摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 4

1.1 选题背景及意义 4

1.2 研究内容与研究方法 5

1.3 相关概念的界定 5

1.3.1 民营企业的界定 5

1.3.2中小企业的界定 5

1.3 论文框架 6

第二章 文献综述 8

2.1 国外关于中小企业融资问题的研究 8

2.2 国内关于中小企业融资问题的研究 8

第三章 广东中小民营企业融资管理的现状 11

3.1 广东省中小企业发展概况 11

3.2 广东省中小企业特点 11

3.3 广东中小企业融资现状 12

3.3.1 贷款供给增长明显,结构仍需调整 12

3.3.2 中小企业融资渠道单一 12

3.3.3 贷款手续繁琐冗长 12

3.3.4 金融机构对中小企业的贷款门槛高 13

3.3.5 贷款成本高负担重 13

第四章 广东中小民营企业融资难的成因分析 14

4.1 内部原因 14

4.1.1 广东省企业规模小,企业经营管理水平较低 14

4.1.2大部分企业缺乏合适的抵押、质押物 14

4.1.3中小企业财务制度不完善 14

4.1 外部原因 15

4.1.1 金融体系方面 15

4.1.2 制度方面 16

第五章 广东中小民营企业融资问题的对策 18

5.1 金融体系方面 18

5.1.1 构建和完善中小金融机构体系 18

5.1.2 规范和引导民间金融,培育多元化融资主体 18

5.1.3 加大国有商业银行对中小企业的融资力度 18

5.2 制度方面 19

5.2.1加快税务、土地产等体制的改革 19

5.2.2 加快推进中小企业信用体系建设 19

第六章 结束语 20

致 谢 21

参考文献(References) 22

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

改革开放以来,我国从完全依靠国有和集体企业转变为混合性经济,民营中小企业得到了迅速的发展。中小民营企业在加速经济发展、创造税收、增加就业、搞活市场、拉动内需、科技创新、扩大出口等方面皆起着促进作用,在我国经济中占有举足轻重的地位,截止到2004年底,在我国经工商部门注册的中小企业已占全国企业总数的99. 6%。从国家统计局公布的数字来看,我国工业产值的60%,销售收入的5%,利税的40%、就业机会的75%、出口的60%,都是由中小企业提供的。另外,全国66%的专利、74%的技术创新和82%的新产品也都是由中小企业贡献的。但受到政宏观管理体制建设滞后、社会企业负担较重、税费多;人民币升值加快、产业结构调整力度加大、劳动力成本上升和外部经济增长放缓等因素的影响,中小企业经营发展问题日益突出,融资渠道不畅,资金周转困难至今仍威胁、困扰着许多中小企业的生存与未来。



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