
 2023-04-12 03:04


摘 要





关键词: 公立医院; 费用控制; 药品收入; 医疗改革

Hospitalization Costs Problem and Solution among the Public Hospital in China------ Take Hospitals in Fujian Province as Examples


With the increasing economic development in our country, not only the living standard of the civilians has been promoted step by step but also the health care reform has been progressing. However, various problems are found in the medical field, the most important one being the upward tendency of hospitalization costs. Today, people have greater desire to pursue a better health condition and aspire to enjoy better health care service. However, the medical service in general is less than satisfactory. Therefore, how to reform the health system and control the fast growth of medical expenditure are of great concern not only among the civilian patients but also the public hospitals and the government..

Causes abound for the upward tendency of hospitalization costs and the dissatisfaction of the medical service. First of all, there has been a growing proportion of pharmaceutical income in the total income of state-owned hospitals. Secondly, the issue of “supporting the hospital and the doctor with pharmaceutical income” has been getting increasingly serious. In addition, the interior management of the hospital has been less than perfect. Finally, the financial input of the government is far from sufficient.

This article starts by sorting into graphs of diverse forms the relative data obtained from the National Health Statistical Yearbook, the Fujian Health Statistical Yearbook and other relative web portals. Then, it makes analyses of the causes of the upward tendency of medical costs and the dissatisfaction of the medical service in the state-owned hospitals in China by taking into account the current medical situation and making use of relevant data and theories. Finally, the paper enumerates Fujian Province by analyzing its current health situation, figuring out the main problems and putting forward rational recommendations.

Keywords: public hospitals cost control pharmaceutical income medical reform

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录............................................................................................................................................................III

第一章 概 述………………………………………………………………………………………………5

1.1 研究背景及意义 5

1.2 研究思路及方法 6

1.3 全文结构框架 6

第二章 相关文献综述 8

2.1 国外公立医院医疗费用控制研究综述 8

2.2 国内公立医院医疗费用控制研究综述 9

2.3 文献述评 10

第三章 我国公立医院费用控制现状与问题 11

3.1 我国公立医院费用环境现状 11

3.2 我国公立医院费用控制的主要问题 13

3.2.1 普通医疗药品费用相对偏高 13

3.2.2 重大疾病医疗药品费用过高 15

3.2.3 公立医院对高新技术的依赖程度过高 16

3.2.4 公立医院内部管理松散 17

3.2.5 政府财政对公立医院的投入力度欠缺 18

3.3 本章小结 20

第四章 我国公立医院医疗费用控制对策建议 21

4.1 完善公立医院医疗费用控制环境 21

4.1.1 增强公立医院费用控制观念 21

4.1.2 建立健全公立医院医疗费用控制体系 21

4.2 加强对公立医院药品费用的监督和审查 21

4.2.1 加强管理普通医药品的集中购买和合理出售并制定相关政策 21

4.2.2 完善重大疾病医药保险费用并制定相关政策 22

4.3 减少公立医院对高新医疗技术的依赖程度 23

4.4 加强对公立医院的内部管理 23

4.4.1 建立健全财务管理系统 23

4.4.2 规范医护人员行为和严惩乱收额外费用 24

4.5 运用政府手段控制公立医院医疗费用上涨 24

4.5.1 发挥政府在医疗保险工作中的角色职能 24

4.5.2 加强政府在财政方面手对公立医院医疗费用的投入力度 25

4.5.3 加强政府对公立医院医疗卫生的监管力度 25

4.6 本章小结 26

第五章 福建省公立医院医疗费用控制案例分析 27

5.1 福建省公立医院医疗费用现状及成因 27

5.1.1福建省公立医院医疗费用现状 27

5.1.2 福建省公立医院医疗费用上涨原因分析 31

5.2 福建省公立医院医疗费用控制对策建议 32

5.3 本章小结 34

第六章 结束语 35

致 谢 36

参考文献 37

第一章 概 述

1.1 研究背景及意义

改革开放以来,我国经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成绩:国民收入持续快速增长,居民人均收入稳步提高。宏观上,2009年至2014年 《中国统计年鉴》的统计数据显示, 我国的国内总GDP和人均GDP从2009年的340506亿元和25545元分别增长到2014年的P519322亿元和50910元,这样的增长速度直接推动了各行各业的发展,尤其是我国医疗事业的发展。在这期间,医疗水平和技术的提高、设备的跟进、服务的效率提升、医疗保险制度的完善等都取得了不朽的成就。医疗卫生事业的发展极大地改善了群众的生活水平,提升了百姓的生活质量,婴儿的死亡率和孕、产妇的死亡率均呈下降趋势,人均寿命延长。但从微观方面来说,我国GDP的增长带来的负面影响也日益凸显,医疗费用的过快增长成为目前困扰民生的重要问题。医疗改革以来,我国人均医疗费用逐年增长,药品收入占医院总收入的比重逐年增大。 这样的民生问题引起了我国社会各个阶层的广泛关注。


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