
 2022-11-19 10:11


摘 要





Study on Cost Management and Countermeasures of GreeElectric Appliances Co., LTD


Since the 21st century, with the development and improvement of science and technology, the productivity of domestic manufacturing enterprises continues to develop and change. The competition and cooperation among industrial rivals all revolve around the creative construction of the product itself and the production and manufacturing cost of the product. Those who seize manufacturing cost advantage have better competitive position and development prospect in the market.

However, with the development of information technology, the development of product quality of household appliance manufacturing enterprises has already got rid of the pressure of product manufacturing cost to reduce price on competitors. China's home appliance manufacturing industry urgently needs to change its extreme reliance on manufacturing cost advantages and its sloppy cost management system. In this light, lean cost management and countermeasure research for the capture of the large population of the Chinese market appears to be crucial.

This paper deals with the new situation of home appliance manufacturing industry at home and abroad, based on the integration of enterprise production, analyzes the industry itself and related fields, deeply analyzes the problems existing in the cost management of home appliance manufacturing enterprises in China, and tries to analyze and study the countermeasures of the integrated management mode of enterprise production. Enterprise integration management can be divided into four areas used in the project cost management analysis: the vertical integration (series) home appliance manufacturing enterprise with suppliers and distributors, forward integration (electrical home appliances manufacturing enterprises alliance with sellers), after (joint) with the raw material supplier to the integration, horizontal integration (joint) between the same industry enterprises. Each analysis area is connected with each other to realize the effective combination of enterprise integrated management and cost management and build a new system independent of price and cost. After the completion of the system construction, the paper further analyzes the operation status and financial data of Gree Electric Appliances co., LTD., and expounds the practical analysis of the integrated system applied to Gree Electric Appliances. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the product structure chain, backward supplier, forward seller, internal production line management and strategic selection of Gree Electric Appliances co., LTD., and puts forward the integrated application of Gree Electric Appliances but not limited to its specific effect. It is expected that the integration of enterprise production can provide some ideas and countermeasures for the development and competition of many enterprises in the current market.

Keywords:Household Appliance;Manufacturing Enterprises;Cost Management;Enterprise Integration; Gree Electric Appliances

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究的背景 1

1.2研究的意义 1

1.3研究的思路及内容 1

1.4论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1国外文献综述 4

2.2国内文献综述 4

第三章 家电制造型企业成本管理特点分析 6

3.1重成本效益 6

3.1.1成本效益 6

3.1.2 低成本效益的体现 6

3.1.3 低成本效益的影响 6

3.2高竞争成本 7

3.2.1家电产业的竞争形势 7

3.2.2竞争成本 7

3.3 高研发成本 8

3.3.1 家电企业科研成本 8

3.3.2 国内家电企业研发投入 8

第四章 格力电器成本管理方法及存在问题 10

4.1格力电器股份有限公司基本概况 10

4.1.1格力电器股份有限公司简介 10

4.1.2 格力电器股份有限公司成本结构 10

4.2格力电器战略成本管理方法 10

4.2.1格力电器战略成本管理 10

4.2.2格力电器战略成本管理价值链分析 11

4.2.3格力电器纵向价值链成本管理 11

4.2.4格力电器横向价值链成本管理 12

4.2.5格力电器内部价值链成本管理 12

4.3格力电器成本管理的问题 13

4.3.1分散的采购管理 13

4.3.2复杂的仓储管理 14

4.3.3高昂的科研支出 14

4.3.4激烈的产业竞争 15

第五章 解决格力电器成本管理问题的对策 16

5.1采购环节 16

5.2 仓储环节 17

5.3 科研环节 19

结语与不足 20

致谢 21

参考文献(References) 22

第一章 绪 论


二十一世纪以来,伴随着信息化时代的推进与互联网 等各种新事物的发展和融合,各行各业呈献出全新的发展面貌。买方市场的日益饱和,使得市场的竞争越发激烈。家电制造型企业为了能够在时代的潮流中谋求稳定的发展,必不可缺的是寻找新思路新发展。我国自2008年到2018年以来的十年内,家电制造业的总行业规模实现了从6000亿到1.51万亿元的突破。其中故不缺乏中国制造的迅猛发展劲头在全球的影响力,更多的是有我国内从业者依据人力材料成本优势从而实施的廉价政策抢占国内外市场,更有政府为扶持制造型产业所颁发的一系列政策如;家电下乡,以旧换新等。在此等环境以及内外政策的影响下,我国家电制造企业得到飞速扩张的机会。



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