
 2022-07-05 08:07


摘 要







The Chinese bond market had barely experienced substantial bond defaults before 2014, showing an ideal status with high ratings and low risks. However, with the slowdown in China's GDP growth, under the macroeconomic environment of high pressure, the latent credit risk in the Chinese bond market has gradually revealed. In 2014, the “Chaori Debt” default event marked the first breach of contract in China. In the following years, bond defaults occurred frequently. Based on this fact, in order to explore whether the bond rating can effectively reflect the risk of bond issuing entities, this paper empirically studies this issue based on the credit bond data of the issuance date from 2014 to 2017.

This article first sorts out the concepts of bond rating and issuer risk and the related concepts of the two. Then through the reading of relevant literature, the factors affecting the risk of default are sorted out, and then three dimensions affecting the risk of the issuer are selected: Finance. Risk, corporate governance risk, industry risk of the industry in which the issuer is located.

The research object of this paper is corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds and medium-term notes of the Chinese bond market from 2014 to 2017, and a multivariate Logistic regression model is adopted to empirically analyze the bond rating subject of bond issuer risk. The study finds that the bond rating cannot reflect the industry risk of the bond issuer, but it can reflect the financial risk and corporate governance risk of the issuer to a certain extent. Therefore, the research conclusion is drawn that the bond rating has insufficient response to the bond issuer. And based on this conclusion, it proposes how to make the credit rating agencies more effectively reflect the risk of the issuer.

The research on the validity of bond ratings so far has been based on a study of bond ratings and default rates or yields. This article, by returning the bond rating and bond issuing entity risk, directly explores the extent to which the bond rating reflects the default risk, and has an innovative observational perspective.

KEY WORDS: Bond Ratings, Financial Risks, Corporate Governance Risks, Corporate Qualifications Risks, Industry Risks,mlogistic model


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 研究背景与意义 2

1.2 研究思路与方法 2

1.2.1 研究思路 2

1.2.2 研究方法 3

1.3 创新与不足 3

1.3.1 创新之处 3

1.3.2 不足之处 4

第二章 文献综述与研究假设 5

2.1 文献综述 5

2.1.1 债券评级有效性检验综述 5

2.1.2 发行主体风险测量维度综述 5

2.2 文献评述 7

2.3 研究假设 8

第三章 实证研究设计 9

3.1 概念界定 9

3.1.1 债券评级的概念 9

3.1.2 发行主体风险的概念 10

3.2 样本选取 10

3.3 变量说明 11

3.3.1 因变量说明 11

3.3.2 解释变量说明 11

3.4 模型构建 14

第四章 统计结果与实证分析 15

4.1 描述性分析 15

4.1.1 因变量描述性分析 15

4.1.2 解释变量描述性分析 15

4.2 相关性分析 17

4.3 回归分析 17

第五章 研究结论与建议 21

5.1 研究结论 21

5.2 对加强我国债券评级对债券发行主体风险反映程度的建议 21

致谢 23

参考文献 24




从宏观经济环境上来看,中国目前进入了一个GDP增速放缓和经济结构调整的新常态发展阶段。为了调整经济的增长模式,政府采用了双管齐下的措施:一方面,积极推进供给侧改革以实现要素的最优分配;另一方面,不断深化国企改革进程以提高国有企业的资源使用效率。在这一经济转型的阵痛时期,资本市场的信用风险在加速释放,作为资本市场主要组成部分的债券市场也没能避免。事实上,我国债券市场长期以来都存在着刚性兑付的现象,几乎没有债券违约事件的发生,即使有极少数企业债曾出现信用危机,由于涉及金额较少,涉及范围小,且担保方及时止损,因此没有造成太大的债券违约危机。正因如此,债券市场的投资人并未也没有必要过多地关注债券发行主体风险。但自从2014年3月 “超日债”的违约,我国债券违约事件不断爆发。而2015保定天威事件,更是使债券违约的主体扩展到国有企业。


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