
 2023-09-05 09:09


摘 要



Research on Reconstruction of Administrative Communication Mode in China from the Perspective of Internet


(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223001)

Abstract:If the administrative organization is regarded as a person"s body, then Executive Communications is the blood in the body and is an effective means to strengthen the identity of the members of the administrative organization and improve the administrative efficiency. At present, China has entered the Internet era, with faster information dissemination speed, wider scope and greater information content. The disadvantages of the traditional Executive Communications model are also emerging day by day. The communication methods are old, the communication channels are blocked, the communication methods are single, the communication levels are too many, the communication process lacks effective control, and the effective information feedback mechanism is lacking. These obstacles have led to poor information communication, low efficiency, waste of a large amount of administrative resources and inhibited the full realization of national administrative functions. From the perspective of the Internet, Executive Communications has brought far-reaching influence to the traditional Executive Communications model and also posed challenges to the modernization of the government"s ruling ability. On the basis of analyzing the problems existing in China"s administrative communication mode in the internet era and the characteristics of openness, sharing and rapidity of Executive Communications in the Internet era, this paper explores ways to reconstruct China"s Executive Communications model from the perspective of the Internet, so as to improve administrative efficiency, promote the modernization of Executive Communications model and the modernization of the government"s ruling ability.

Key Words: internet perspective; administrative communication; administrative organization


一、行政沟通的相关概念 1

(一)沟通与行政沟通的内涵 1

(二)行政沟通的类型 1

(三)行政沟通的原则 2

二、我国行政沟通模式的现状及存在的问题 2

(一)行政信息传递的迟滞 3

(二)行政沟通方式单一 3

(三)行政沟通存在信息失真 3

三、我国行政沟通模式问题的成因 3

(一)对互联网在行政沟通中的作用缺乏重视 3

(二)公众的信息反馈渠道的缺乏 4

(三)政府在互联网时代的定位不清 4

(四)信息不对称和信息鸿沟网络的出现 4

四、互联网背景下行政沟通模式的特征 4

(一)互联网时代下的行政沟通具有开放性 4

(二)互联网时代下的行政沟通具有交互性 5

(三)互联网时代下的行政沟通具有快捷性 5

五、互联网视角下我国行政沟通模式的重构 5

(一)行政组织结构的重构策略:构建无缝隙的政府组织结构 6

(二)行政沟通渠道的重构策略:构建多通道的民意表达渠道 6

(三)行政沟通成员方面的重构策略;提升沟通人员的素质 7

(四)政府信息传递方式的重构策略:政府信息电子化 7

六、总结 7

参考文献 9

致谢: 10






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