
 2022-03-06 08:03


摘 要





【关键词】礼; 法; 礼法合一;法律思想

Chinese traditional legal thoughts of combination of etiquette


The beginning of civilization is often accompanied by the development of the legal system.Chinese ancient law has its independent development system,The Chinese legal system is one of the most famous five common law systems in the world, and one of the most distinctive features.Ritual is a social phenomenon in ancient China, and it runs through the whole society of ancient China.The mutual penetration and combination of rites and law constitute the most essential characteristic of the Chinese legal system and the unique Chinese culture.The combination is the basicconnotation of China traditional legal thoughts.Throughout China as long as courtesy of two thousand years of photosynthetic thought is not only adapt to the soil of Chinese traditional social pregnant developed, has deep historical roots.At the same time, it represents the essence of Chinese traditional legal thought, which not only has a profound influence on the traditional society but also on modern life.This paper explores Chinese traditional "the combination of a legal theory, tracing to its source, from the combination of legal thinking of the ideological origin of, from the method of" rite "of various schools of thought in the pre Qin period Confucianism, Legalism, to Xun Kuang initially proposed" etiquette ";Secondly, careful inquiry "etiquette" thought in the development process and the basic connotation, from the Han Dynasty began to Ming and Qing Dynasties "the combination of consolidation of thought and in the combination of the basic connotation of" thought development stages. Finally, the analysis of "etiquette" the thought influence, in traditional Chinese Society, from the modern eye view of

the existing backward factors.

[Key words] Ceremony; Law; Combination of etiquette;Legal thought


摘要 3

Abstract 4

前言 6

一、中国传统礼法合一思想产生的历史背景 7

(一)政治背景 7

(二)经济背景 7

(三)思想背景 8

二、中国传统礼法合一法律思想来源 8

(一)先秦儒家的“礼”主要观点 8

(二)先秦法家“法”的主张 9

(三)先秦荀况的初步提出“礼法合一” 10

三、中国传统礼法合一思想发展进程 10

(一)两汉时期正式确立 10

(二)魏晋时期发展阶段 11

(三)唐代完善阶段 12

(四)明清巩固阶段 13

四、中国传统礼法合一思想的特征 14

(一)道德与法律不分 14

(二)司法与行政不分 14

(三)法律具有等级性 15

五、礼法合一思想的影响 15

(一)对传统社会的影响 15

(二)对现代社会的影响 16

结论 16

参考文献 18

谢辞 19



本文探究中国传统“礼法合一”法律思想,礼法合一思想的产生是在封建制度下,礼作为维护封建统治的工具,作为人们要遵循“封建礼教”,如“三纲五常”等,“礼”只能约束人的行为,因此就需要“法”严格约束人的行为并且惩罚破坏纲常伦理的行为,封建统治者将礼和宗法体系紧密相连,从而维护封建统治。“礼法合一”法律思想,追根溯源,从礼法合一法律思想的思想来源入手,从先秦诸子百家时期,奉周礼为理想王国的孔子,则从等级名分制度上论证礼的价值。儒家坚持以“礼”的基本精神为原则,来为封建王朝服务。而法家代表的韩非子崇尚法治,其核心思想就是通过立法令、行法令,达到尊公废私。韩非子将商鞅的“法”,申不害的“术”,慎到的“势”治思想进行了吸收与整合,提出了“以法为本”,结合“术”与“势”,使三者有机统一的法治思想。儒、法两家虽看似主张不同,但又殊途同归,都是为了维护封建统治。荀子在某种程度上初步提出的礼法合一思想,荀子虽大量吸收法家,但也与法家保持一定的距离。他虽不承认道德的万能,却没有忘记礼义之道的重要。所以他仍主张以礼治为先,法治为后。到了西汉时期,董仲舒极力倡导的“春秋决狱”以及汉武帝的“独尊儒术”,影响中国法制历史2000多年。首先,结束了长期以来的法家指导思想为主的局面 ,将儒家思想和法家思想有机结合起来,开始了我国法律儒家化的进程,为引礼入律,礼法结合开辟了道路,从而奠定了中华法系儒法结合的基本样式。此后,中国传统法律正式走向礼法合一的道路。魏晋时期,礼法合一思想得到了进一步的发展。晋武帝颁布《晋律》,《晋律》首创服制定罪,更是将礼法合一思想进一步完善。唐朝的《唐律疏议》,堪称封建制法典的代表,为以后历代刑律的蓝本,由唐代首创的义疏。它以礼为中心,以君主专制、等级制度和宗法制度为支柱,构筑着全部封建法律理论体系。唐朝又将礼法合一思想高度完善。直至明清时期,随着《大明律》、《大清律例》的制定,使得礼法合一思想得到进一步巩固。


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