
 2023-09-05 09:09


摘 要



Research on Standards of Legal Compensation for Intellectual Property Rights
——Based on the analysis of the judgment of Jiangsu Provincial Court of 2016-2018

Zhang Meng

(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223001)

Abstract:In recent years, as intellectual property rights have received more and more attention, the issue of intellectual property infringement damages has received increasing attention. In judicial practice, courts usually use statutory compensation to determine the amount of compensation, but in fact there are still some problems in the application of statutory compensation. Through the empirical investigation and analysis of the judicial judgment of Jiangsu Province in 2016-2018, this paper points out that in the specific application process, the existing statutory compensation has difficulty in ascertaining the actual loss of the right holder or the benefit of the infringer and the vague legal compensation standard. It is suggested that the evidence system for “certifying the loss of the right holder” or “the benefit of the infringer” should be improved by relaxing the standard of damages for the right holder, improving the evidence preservation system, and applying the three measures of the infringer’s limited evidence to the infringer, and by clearly applying the statutory compensation. The reference factors and the determination of the statutory compensation amount take into account the regional differences to improve the statutory compensation system.

Keywords:Intellectual property rights; infringement damage; statutory compensation

目 录

一、我国现行的知识产权损害赔偿计算方法 1

(一)权利人因侵权行为遭受到的损失 1

(二)侵权人所获得的利益 1

(三)法定赔偿 1

二、江苏省知识产权侵权损害赔偿司法实践现状及存在问题 2

(一)江苏省知识产权侵权案件司法现状的实证考察 2

(二)法院判决存在的问题 4

1.法定赔偿标准不明晰 4

2.存在着难以查明权利人实际损失,或者侵权人获益的情形 5

三、对我国知识产权损害赔偿制度完善的建议 5

(一)完善证明“权利人损失”或“侵权人获益”的证据制度 5

1.适当放宽权利人损害的证明标准 5

2.完善知识产权诉讼中的证据保全制度 5

3.对侵权人有限度地适用举证妨碍规则 6

(二)完善法定赔偿制度 6

1.明确适用法定赔偿的参考因素 6

2.确定法定赔偿数额时考虑地区差异性 7

参 考 文 献 8

致 谢 9









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