
 2022-06-27 09:06


摘 要




The priority of the project price payment system is one of the widely used system in judicial practice in the field of construction engineering, which is also an advantageous means for protecting one party of a construction project contract. The writer views various referee cases and find that there are still many controversies and difficult points about the system in the current trial practice. The regulations of the "Contract Law" and the "Reply" are not specific and clear, especially some issues that occur frequently in practice and have a great impact on the right holders, such as the essence of the right, the validity of the promise to give up, the essence and the starting point of the claim period and the scope of claims, are stipulated vaguely or uncertainly. Therefore, in the specific judicial process, the trial standards are different and the same cases are judged differently. In order to clarify the way in which the contractor exercises his right, realize the legislative purpose of the priority of construction project price payment system, and embody the principle of substantive justice of the law, it should be regarded as a priority, prohibiting the contractor from giving up the right in advance unless the conditions are fulfilled. The exercise period of this right should be defined as exclusion period and extended to one year, counting from the date when the claim is not settled. The subjects of right should be expanded to the actual construction person, the prioritized coverage should be based on the "project price theory", including the workers’ wages, materials and engineering profits, excluding the liquidated damages and project quality warranty. The scope of the project should be based on the “value-added theory” and limited to the actual construction of the contractor, which excludes the construction land use right, the asphyxiation of the construction project and the projects that are not suitable for discounted auctions. Besides, this right cannot be used to fight against the consumers who have paid the most of the purchases.

Key words: the priority of project price payment; the essence of the right; the period of the claim; the scope of the claims

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、工程价款优先受偿权 1

(一)工程价款优先受偿权的三种权利属性分析 1

1、留置权属性分析 2

2、法定抵押权属性分析 2

3、特别优先权属性分析 3

(二)工程价款优先受偿权的行使条件 3

1、行使的实质条件 4

2、行使的形式条件 4

(三)工程价款优先受偿权的可放弃性 4

1、可以承诺放弃说 4

2、不可承诺放弃说 5

3、可以承诺放弃,但不得预先放弃,且仅具有相对性说 5

4、承诺放弃的效力 6

二、工程价款优先受偿权的主张期间 6

(一)期间的法律性质 6

(二)期间起算点的确定 7

1、工程竣工之日说 7

2、债务履行期届满之日说 9

三、工程价款优先受偿权的覆盖范围 9

(一)工程价款优先受偿权覆盖的权利主体类型 9

1、实际施工人 10

2、非法转包人、违法分包人 10

3、合法分包人 10

4、勘察人、设计人 10

(二)工程价款优先受偿权覆盖的债权范围 11

1、劳动报酬说(工人工资) 11

2、实际费用支出说(工人工资 材料费) 11

3、工程价款说(工人工资 材料费 利润) 11

4、工程全部发生款说(工人工资 材料费 利润 违约金) 11

(三)工程价款优先受偿权覆盖的工程项目资产范围分析 13

1、建设工程范围 13

2、工程项目用地使用权 13

3、建筑工程的孳息部分 14

四、结论 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16



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