
 2022-06-27 09:06


摘 要





21414120 TU Junxing

Supervised by CHEN Yi-mei


This project is a professional wharf for its production of port machinery equipment by Nanjing machine heavy industry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., with a total of more than 180 machines each year and a total throughput of 200 thousand tons. The proposed project is located in the eastern part of the Nanjing economic and Technological Development Zone. The construction of the project is in line with the requirements of the master plan of Nanjing port. The layout is based on lt;Overall design specifications of River port projectgt;(JTJ212-2006). The plane layout is 8.50m, the front water depth is 8.35m, the wharf is long 150m, and the width is 36m. It connects with the rear land area through 1 high pile piers. Because the export goods of the wharf are heavy with the weight of the single steel structure is up to 330 tons, the rail is set up on the diversion bridge and the part of the pier face to meet the requirements of the whole machine or part transportation. Because the project is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river and the water level difference is large due to the influence of tidal currents, the piled slab-beam wharf and two layers of cable beams are set up. The structure type is reasonably simplified when the structure is calculated and the model is built, and the calculation of the force and reinforcement of the typical components (panels and beams) is carried out. The wharf panel is a lamination plate, which is calculated according to the one-way plate. In this design, the longitudinal beam is considered as rigid support continuous beam, and the influence line method is adopted to calculate the beam. The beam is considered as a continuous beam with elastic support.

In this design, structural mechanics software is used to calculate the influence line of longitudinal beam, which saves the tedious step of checking the influence line and avoids the error of manual calculation. The program is universal.

Key words: Heavy Cargo Whar; Beam Piling Wharf;The rigid support continuous beam;The elastic supporting continuous beam;


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 工程概述 1

1.1.1 工程名称 1

1.1.2工程背景 1

1.1.3集疏运条件 1

1.2 设计依据 1

1.3 设计内容 2

第二章 自然条件 3

2.1 地理位置 3

2.2 气象 3

2.2.1 气温 3

2.2.2 降雨 3

2.2.3 风况 4

2.3 水文 5

2.3.1 基准面及其换算关系 5

2.3.2 特征水位 5

2.3.3 设计水位 5

2.3.4 水流 5

2.4 地形、地貌与工程泥沙 6

2.5 工程地质 6

2.6 地震 7

第三章 货运量和船型 8

3.1 货运量 8

3.2 设计代表船型 8

第四章 码头总平面设计 9

4.1 总平面布置与规划、相邻工程的关系 9

4.1.1 与相关规划的关系 9

4.1.2 与相邻工程的关系 9

4.2 竖向设计 10

4.2.1 水位资料(国家85高程系统) 10

4.2.2 码头前沿高程 10

4.2.3 码头前沿水深 10

4.2.4 计算码头前沿泥面线标高 10

4.2.5 陆域高程 10

4.3 码头泊位数 11

4.4 码头平面尺寸的确定 11

4.4.1 泊位长度 11

4.4.2 码头宽度 11

4.5 码头水域计算 11

4.5.1 码头前沿停泊水域尺度 11

4.5.2 码头前船舶回旋水域尺度 11

4.5.3 进港航道 12

4.5.4 平面设计主要尺度汇总 12

4.6 泊位作业标准和年作业天数 13

4.7 码头平面布置 13

4.7.1 码头尺度及前沿线布置 13

4.7.2 码头及引桥平面布置 13

第五章 装卸工艺 15

5.1 工艺方案与工艺流程 15

5.1.1 工艺方案 15

5.1.2 工艺流程 16

5.2 装卸设备的选型 16

5.3 主要装卸设备 17

5.4 泊位通过能力计算 17

5.5 仓库及堆场布置 19

第六章 码头结构选型 20

6.1 建筑物种类及等级 20

6.2 设计荷载 20

6.2.1 恒载 20

6.2.2 均布荷载 20

6.2.3 装卸机械荷载 20

6.2.4 流动机械荷载 20

6.2.5 船舶荷载 20

6.2.6 地震作用 23

6.3 码头结构方案 23

6.3.1 码头平台上部结构尺寸的拟定 23

6.5.2 桩基布置方案 24

第七章 面板计算 25

7.1 计算原则 25

7.2 面板计算尺寸 25

7.2.1 基本参数 25

7.2.2 基本尺寸 25

7.3 面板内力计算 26

7.3.1 施工期 26

7.3.2 持久状况(使用期) 28

7.4 荷载组合 33

7.4.1 承载力极限状态的作用效应组合 33

7.4.2 正常使用极限状态的作用效应组合 34

7.5面板配筋 35

7.5.1材料性能 35

7.5.2承载能力极限状态验算 36

7.5.3正常使用极限状态验算 38

第八章 纵梁计算 41

8.1 设计资料 41

8.2 内力计算 42

8.2.1 计算原则 42

8.2.2 计算跨度 42

8.2.3 作用 43

8.2.4 作用效应分析 43

8.3.4作用效应组合 49

8.3配筋计算 53

8.3.1计算参数 53

8.3.2承载能力极限状态验算 54

8.3.3正常使用极限状态验算 57

第九章 横梁计算 61

9.1设计依据 61

9.1.1几何参数 61

9.1.2桩基特性 62

9.2内力计算 64

9.2.1 自重标准值 65

9.2.2 使用荷载标准值 71

9.2.3 船舶荷载标准值 75

9.2.4 内力计算 76

9.3使用期效应组合 77

9.4配筋计算 84

9.4.1计算参数 84

9.4.2承载能力极限状态验算 84

9.4.3正常使用极限状态验算 88

致 谢 90

参考文献 91

第一章 绪论

1.1 工程概述

1.1.1 工程名称




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