
 2023-11-01 10:11


摘 要


本篇文章主要基于对美剧《别对我说谎》的研究与分析。我们主要介绍了一些重点的微表情,微表情的识别的方法以及如何将在商务谈判中准确的识别对方的微表情。而我们分析面部表情,应该从两个方面下手,一个是固化在人脸上的表情显示的个人性格特点,另一个是表情的细微变化显 示的个人心理变化。通过对微表情的了解,我们在商务谈判中能做出正确的判断。和对方报价或者是磋商的时候,不至于把价格报的太高或太低,了解对方微表情中发出的信号,然后把合理的报价告知对方,最终让我方掌握主动权。




  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………1
  2. Literature Review…………………………………………………………..2

2.1 The definition of micro expressions…………………………………….......3

2.2 The analysis of theory about micro-expression……………………………..3

2.3 The functions of micro-expression recognition…………………...…...........4

2.4 The definition of business negotiation…………………………………........4

3. Research methods …..………………………………………………………5

4. Results and discussion…………………………….………………………...6

4.1 The concrete manifestation of micro expression……………………………6

4.2 Human beings have at least seven expressions………………………...........7

4.3 Several common micro-expression………………………………………….8

4.4 Analysis of other common micro expressions………………………………9

4.5 Characteristics of micro expressions………………………………………10

5. Applications of micro expressions in business negotiation………………11

5.1 Employing some techniques……………………………………………..11

5.2 Observing unusual movements…………………………………………..12

6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………..12

Works Cited…………………………………………………………………...13

1. Introduction

The full name of micro-reactions is "psychological stress micro-reaction." It is a moment that they will unconsciously show the momentary real reaction when people are effectively stimulated. Micro-response is a broad term, which includes three aspects. First, familiar micro-expressions are facial micro-reactions. Second, besides micro-expressions, other physical actions can map mental states, that is body micro-reactions. The third is the language information itself, including the use of grammar, vocabulary and sound features, which belongs to the language micro-reaction. Micro-reactions originate from human instincts. They are just flashy and difficult to capture. Compared to other conscious human expressions, micro-reactions can accurately map people"s mental state and show people real thoughts inside.

Research on human facial expressions and facial surgery can date back to the early Aristotelian era. Facial surgery is a method of assessing people by observing their appearance, especially their facial expressions. In recent years, experts have begun to focus on the study of micro-expressions. The basic framework for the study of micro-expressions was built in the 17th century. In the book Pathomyotomia published in 1649, John Bulfo made detailed observations and studies on various human expressions and head muscle movements. In the 19th century, Darwin"s research had an important influence on facial expressions and modern automatic facial recognition technology. Darwin"s original classification of facial micro expressions and emotions became the basis of modern research on "micro expressions."

In the second half of the 20th century, robotics, animation, and computer science also developed research interest in micro expressions. In 1978, Suva and his colleagues created a system that uses 20 tracking points to analyze the facial expressions of a series of pictures. Although this system was proposed in 1978, algorithms and technical problems were not resolved until the early 1990s. Researchers have noticed that if there is no system for automatically recognizing expressions and emotions, humans will not accept icy computers in the emotional field. All of these factors make it more important that the development of automatic facial recognition technology should be updated.

2. Literature Review

American psychologist Paul Ekman pioneered the term "Micro-expressions". Haggard and Isaacs (1966) took the lead in discovering micro-expressions, suggesting that micro-expressions are related to the ego defense mechanism and express repressed emotions. Due to a chance, Ekman and Friesen (1969) also independently discovered the micro-expression. It was the United States that began the micro-reaction study. For the needs of the war on terror, the U.S. government hopes to collect more terrorist organizations’ information through research on liar and organized a large number of psychologists with practical experience to do related research. As early as the 1970s, this research has reached its peak. Many books, papers, and the famous Facial Motion Coding System (FACS) were widely recognized by the academic community 30 years ago. Currently, Ekman team, Matsumoto team and Shreveport team in the United States, Porter team and Li Kang team in Canada, Polikovsky team in Japan, Zhao Guoying team in Finland, China"s Fu Xiaolan team are carrying out research on micro-expressions. The study of micro-expressions can be summarized as three parts: the study of early micro-expression recognition, the application of micro-expression recognition, and the study of micro-expression expression. The American television series Lie to me was made and released by FX Networks LLC in Jan.2009 and Season 3 in 2010 and then it ended. Among a couple of crime dramas, Lie to me is quite different from the traditional ones. Unlike C.S.I (C.S.I: Crime Scene Investigations), NCIS(Naval Criminal Investigative Service) or Criminal Mind, there is no cutting edge technology such as ballistics, forensics, toxicology etc.

Lie to me places extra emphasis on both the verbal language and nonverbal language. Samuel Baum, the director of Lie to me defines the investigation group in drama “they are the only ones who can find out truth without human testimony and material evidence or DNA, and that makes them different from other crime drama.” And of course, this drama has made a big success in the latest 4 years. Paul Ekman, American psychologist who does the research on the interpersonal deception, emotion and facial expression. Besides, he is the special consultant of Lie to me because his bestseller Telling Lies: Clues to deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage and Facial Expression became the inspiration of this drama.

This TV series mainly tells us that facial expression recognition training, interrogation training, and comprehensive and meticulous investigation in professional fields constitutes a professional information recognition technology that can help business leaders identify lies, obtain the required information, and successfully complete important business activities. Many internationally-recognized business completely eradicate and avoid the fraud that exists in various high-risk commercial activities by learning the recognition of micro expression. A simple handshake implies a huge amount of diplomatic information. Maybe it means the success of a merger, a smile may be able to contribute to a billion Yuan orders. Great winners are always good at capturing success because a tiny movement actually revealed the real ideas of the others. From diplomatic activities to business negotiations, from job interviews to visiting customers, people who can be the first to have an Insight into the other person"s inner thoughts will be able to win the initiative to succeed!

2.1 The definition of micro expressions

American psychologist Paul Ekman proposed that facial expressions of different cultures have commonalities. His main reason for doing this research was inspired by Darwin"s "Emotional Expression of Humans and Animals." He thought micro expression is a kind of temporary facial expressions which human being will unconsciously make when someone tries to hide something in his book Telling Lies. Micro-expressions often appear when people experience gains and loss. Unlike ordinary facial expressions, micro expressions can be rarely feigned. Micro-expression can fully reflect the common aversion, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and contempt for these seven emotional characteristics. Micro-expression can flash across 1/25 in seconds.

2.2 The analysis of theory about micro-expression

Three problems are found to be solved in micro-expression recognition

1. Firstly, the cross-cultural effectiveness of METT training is the most explicit issue in the current micro-expression recognition research. Previous studies have been limited to the use of participants in Western cultures. Therefore, we do not know whether METT training is also applicable to other cultures.

2. At present, the researchers have constructed a micro-expression recognition ability test with a certain degree of ecological validity, but the performance of these tests directly applied to the reality of micro-expression recognition is still a problem.

3. The previous research on micro-expression recognition mainly focused on comparing the differences in the ability of micro-expression recognition among different groups of people, but failed to systematically explore the process of micro-expression recognition or the impact of micro-expressions with different characteristics on observers.

2.3 The functions of micro-expression recognition

Facial changes such as laughing, frowning, and anger can quickly provide more information, so we can clearly catch people"s mood and intention. Everything in your heart is written on your face. People who want to gain your trust will smile at you. People who want to scare you will be angry at you. Its purpose is maximizing understanding of each other; mastering the situation; avoiding danger, fraud, dilemma or loss of social status and inducing, confirming, or controlling the other person"s thoughts.

2.4 The definition of business negotiation

Business negotiation refers to the activities that different economic entities determine possible business opportunities for the sake of their own economic interests and meet the needs of the other party through the various methods of communication, negotiation, compromise, cooperation, strategy, etc. In the entire business negotiation, it has the following two basic characteristics: 1. Economic interests are the purpose of negotiation; 2. Price is the core of negotiation.

(1) Use of economic interests for negotiation purposes

The purpose of different negotiators participating in negotiations is different. Diplomatic negotiations involve national interests; political negotiations are concerned with the fundamental interests of political parties and groups; and military negotiations are mainly related to the security interests of the hostile parties. Although these negotiations involve economic benefits inevitably, they are often conducted around a certain kind of basic interests. The emphasis is not necessarily on economic interests. The business negotiations are very clear. The negotiators have the basic purpose of obtaining economic benefits, and only involve other non-economic benefits when meeting the economic interests. Although, in the process of business negotiations, negotiators can mobilize and use various factors, and various non-economic benefits will also affect the outcome of the negotiations, but its ultimate goal is still economic interests.

(2) The price is the core of the negotiations

The result of the business negotiation is reflected in the agreement or contract agreed by both parties. The terms of the contract essentially reflect the rights and obligations of all parties. The rigor and accuracy of the terms of the contract are important prerequisites for safeguarding the negotiations to obtain various benefits. Some negotiators have exerted great efforts in business negotiations. They have finally obtained more favorable results for themselves. In order to obtain the contract, the other party has to make many concessions. At this time, the negotiators seem to have won the negotiation. However, if the contract clauses are drafted with carelessness and are not paid attention to the integrity, strictness, accuracy, reasonableness and legitimacy of the terms of the contract, as a result, the interests of the hand will be depreciated by the negotiating opponent in terms of wording or expression techniques.

  1. Research methods
  2. An induced micro-expression database

Micro-expression database is an important support for micro-expression recognition research. This paper mainly collects micro-expressions and corresponding environments from the drama Lie To Me. We mainly used the camera video to collect the micro-expression, and then we pick out the micro-expression frame sequence, label the micro-expression, and establish the micro-expression database.

(2) A complete set of micro-expression recognition work

Depending on micro-expression frame sequence preprocessing, micro-expression detection, micro-expression feature extraction, classification of micro-expression. We have carried out a series of experiments. There are many volunteers taking part in the experiments, we collect the data from the casual talk with them.

4. Results and discussion

Micro-expression refers to a short-lived facial expression that humans unconsciously make when trying to hide certain emotions. They show seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise and scorn. Because human beings are unconscious when making micro-expressions, and their duration is very short, they can often reflect humans" most true psychological feelings and mental states. The exploration and use of micro-expression has been extended from the very beginning to interrogation of prisoners and now extends to all aspects of life. It can be seen that the development of the micro-expression is rapid and the scope of use is wide.

4.1 The concrete manifestation of micro expression

The person"s face can transmit information. It is the media and the information transmitter. By "expression," you can determine whether you like someone. Usually people attribute this to subconsciousness, intuition, or "instinctive feelings," but the researchers found that the information received by the eyes is more abundant – micro expressions. Micro-expressions flash through, and usually even conscious expressionists and observers are not aware of it. In the experiment, only 10% of people noticed. Compared with people"s conscious expressions, "micro-expressions" can better reflect people"s true feelings and motivation. Although people will ignore the "micro-expression", but the human brain is still affected by it, change the understanding of the expression of others.

How do we determine if this expression is a micro-expression or a false expression that someone else has to show or just in order to disguise their true thoughts? This requires a baseline for the micro-expression. The baseline can be defined as a physiological normal of the target in the current environment. It is a baseline for comparing and finding the target"s response to the deviation from the baseline. The baseline should be established throughout the observation process. Experts always look for a baseline, establish a baseline and trust the baseline.

4.2 Human beings have at least seven expressions

The basis of micro-expression analysis is the consistency of expression in cross cultures and cross races. That is to say, the seven basic expressions-- surprise, contempt, disgust, fear, anger, sadness, and joy are common to all human beings. The meaning what they convey is also consistent. In this way, we can analyze the inner feelings of the target through expression.

There is an important concept here called "stress." The so-called "stress" is the response of the target when it is stimulated by a stimulus that is not expected by the mind. It is the sudden surprise and fear caused by a loud bang; the guilt and indignation when no one is prepared for defense but has been smashed by the scandal; it is the sudden ecstasy when the loved one confesses; and when it is completely unpredictable Sadness after being betrayed. And there are so many such unexpected stimulation.

In general, a video that is deliberately performed does not have any analytical value. In the material that can be analyzed, there must be an immediate response when the stimulus source and target are stimulated. In the face of a goal that is full of alertness, you must think of him and give him questions that are beyond his expectations and stimulate his true reaction. At the same time, you can"t always focus on your goal, which will keep him on the alert. You are supposed to create an atmosphere where the other person can feel as comfortable as possible, and then suddenly cut in so that he is caught off guard.

In the micro-reaction analysis, observation, analysis and scientific questions are mutually complementary and indispensable


When people are happy, the facial movements include: the corners of the mouth are tilted up, the cheeks are wrinkled, the eyelids are shrunk, and the tail of the eye forms "crow"s feet".


Facial features include squinting, a tightening of the eyebrows, pulling at the corners of the mouth, and lifting or tightening the chin. Fear. When afraid, mouth and eyes open, eyebrows rise, nostrils open. Anger. The eyebrows drop, the forehead is tight, and the eyelids and lips are tense.


Disgust expressions include sniping, upper lip lifting, eyebrow drooping, squinting.


the jaw sagged, lips and mouth relaxed, eyes widened, eyelids and eyebrows lifted slightly.


The famous characteristic of contempt is raised on the side of the mouth, laughing or smirking


Eyebrows raised and pulled together

Tensed lower eyelids

Raised upper eyelids


Eyebrows down and together

Eyes glare

Narrowing of the lips

4.3 Several common micro-expressions

1. Like to blink: this negotiator is narrow-minded and can"t be trusted. If you"re talking to someone like this or asking for something, it"s best to be direct

2. Be used to staring at others: the representative is very alert and not easy to express his inner feelings, so he should avoid overzealous speech in the face of such a negotiator.

3. Like to raise the volume: mostly self-confident, confident in oneself, if we negotiate with each other, try to show our confidence.

4. being informal: also easy-going, when facing social pressure he is more easy to give. so there are things to find such as negotiators, you had better be to advances, far more effective than those through business relations.


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