
 2022-04-14 08:04


摘 要

Abstract 0

绪 论 1

一、 研究背景与选题价值 1

二、文献综述 1

三、主要研究内容与方法 3

第一章 贾平凹和他的新作《山本》 3

第一节 秦岭小镇的历史变迁 3

第二节 《山本》的空间范围 5

第三节 人物概观 6

第四节 贾平凹的文学追求 7

第二章 民间叙事分析 9

第一节 民间的神秘主义叙事 10

一、贾平凹神秘主义叙事的成因 10

二、现代文明关照下的民间叙事 11

第二节“百科全书”式日常民间社会的建构 14

一、中国式乡村道德和伦理关系的透视 14

二、与自然共生的民间社会 16

第三章 历史叙事分析 18

第一节 民间立场上的历史叙事 18

一、模糊叙事时间 18

二、民间传奇的独特演绎 19

第二节 历史小说叙事策略的演变 20

第四章 叙事语言分析 21

第一节 张弛有致的叙事节奏 22

第二节 鲜活生动的人物语言 23

一、人物语言的个性化 23

二、亲切自然的商洛方言 24

结 语 26

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

摘 要





Shanben, as a historical novel created from the standpoint of the people, is Jia Pingao's creative use of Chinese traditional narrative resources on the basis of his personal experience of the times, and communicates with western modernist art at the same time. It breaks the restriction of ideological discourse and intellectual discourse on folk writing and historical writing, expresses the truest folk experience, and conforms to the original state of civil society and history to the maximum extent. It provides a unique narrative mode for the creation of contemporary novels, especially historical novels.

This paper analyzes the narrative characteristics of Shanben from three aspects, one is the folk narrative analysis, and the other is to remove the cover of cultural research. From the perspective of literary creation research, this paper expounds the mysticism narration of Shanben and the construction of encyclopedia folk poetics. The second is the historical narrative analysis. Through the analysis of the narrative content and narrative time of the novel, this paper explores how the expression of Jia Pingao's personal contemporary experience is reflected in the creation process of the historical novel, and combs the development of the Chinese historical novel. Positioning for Shanben; The third is the analysis of narrative language, which is the carrier of a writer's literary creation. Jia Pingao has always had distinct linguistic characteristics, such as the use of dialect native language and the natural description language of law. This paper is based on the analysis of the characteristics of narrative language in the past. Focus on This paper discusses the regulation of rhythm by narrative language.

KEY WORDS: shanben,,Jia Pingao,Folk narration,Historical narration,narrative language

绪 论

  1. 研究背景与选题价值




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