
 2022-06-23 08:06


摘 要


据学者考证,话本小说《李将军错认舅 刘氏女诡从夫》的正话部分是以文言小说《翠翠传》为蓝本改编而来,其故事情节、人物设定等均具有一致性,两者具有“互文本”的关系。叙事学当前学界进行小说研究的重要角度之一,其关注于小说结构风格和创作技巧,与文学作品改编现象的研究十分契合。叙事学在发展中逐渐与文化批评、主体批评等理论相融合,形成新的更加综合灵活、可操作性强,关注文本社会文化背景的“新叙事学”。本文将从《李将军错认舅 刘氏女诡从夫》和原作《翠翠传》雅俗各异的文学风格入手,对两者进行文本细读和具体文本的叙事学比较,以平行研究的视角进行两者同中之异的指摘,最后从世界、作品、作者、读者四个方面,结合影响研究的角度对两者的不同进行解释和说明,探寻从“阳春白雪”到“下里巴人”的影响因素和变异规律。

关键词:传奇小说;话本小说;新叙事学;《翠翠传》;《李将军错认舅 刘氏女诡从夫》


Classical fiction and vernacular fiction have always been regarded as parallel developments in the two branches of the Chinese fiction field. The former is in the category of the orthodox culture, and the latter is the representative of popular culture. The relationship of the two genres are usually considered to be like “two flowers blooming on each branch”. Each one type has its own independent track of development, but it is not entirely separated. It often communicates with one another and exchanges with each other, affecting each other. In the Ming Dynasty, the vernacular novels began to prevail, and the classical Chinese novels were relatively declining. However, they intangibly influenced the creation of vernacular novels, especially the storytelling novels which were derived from the “talk” art. They were also deeply influenced by stories, art styles and other aspects. The impact of classical fiction.

The correct part of the story novel “Rash Young Men Startle Lovers;Clever Young Women Recognize Jade Toads” from the late Ming Dynasty was adapted from the legendary novel “Biography of Cui Cui” of the early Ming Dynasty and the adapted work used the old storyline, characters but there are still some obvious differences between the two. Narratology is one of the most important fields and perspectives of novel study in current stage. It focuses on the narrative techniques and forms of fiction and is of great significance for studying the rules and characteristics of literary works. With its development, narratology’s study method is combined with other literature critical viewpoints, such as cultural criticism, subject criticism and so on, becoming more and more flexible and practical, known as “new narratology”. This article is intended to be compared from the narratological point of view to a comparative study of the specific text of " Rash Young Men Startle Lovers;Clever Young Women Recognize Jade Toads " and its original work" Biography of Cui Cui". From the perspectives of the studies of social culture and author, we try to illustrate the characteristics of the two, and try to deduce the literary evolution path from QuYou’s legendary novel to Ling Meng-chu’s vernacular novel, from elegance to vulgar.

KEY WORDS: elegant style; vulgar style; “New Narratology”; "Biography of Cui Cui"; "Rash Young Men Startle Lovers;Clever Young Women Recognize Jade Toads"

目 录

摘 要 I


绪 论 1

1. 引言 1

2. 研究综述 2

3. 研究目的及意义 3

第一章 雅俗之辨——《翠翠传》与《李将军错认舅》的文学风格之异 4

第二章 《翠翠传》与《李将军错认舅》的文本对比 6

2.1 叙事内容——命运捉弄的士人悲剧与的离奇诡怪的俗世喜剧 6

2.2 叙事技巧——限知视角下的时空跳跃与全知视角下的徐徐铺排 7

2.3 叙事伦理——悲天悯人的性情流露与惩恶扬善的现世教化 11

第三章 习气所溺——从“阳春白雪”到“下里巴人”的改编探因 13

3.1 传奇与话本的文体传统之异 14

3.2 明初与明末的社会环境之异 14

3.3 雅士与野夫的读者群体之异 15

3.4 抒情与造情的创作动机之异 16

结 论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

绪 论

1. 引言

中国古典小说按照语体的不同可分为文言小说与白话小说两类,关于文言小说与白话小说的比较学者韩南的论述[1]富有启发性,在《早期的中国短篇小说》一文中,他认为就叙述者而言,文言小说的叙述者本身是隐藏在文本之后的;白话小说则是叙述者跳出文章横亘在读者与文本之间以类似“说书人”的身份自居为读者讲故事。叙述者可以自行选择叙述技巧(即布斯所谓“小说的修辞”rhetoric of fiction[2])以达到某种叙事目的或艺术效果。



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