
 2022-03-18 08:03


摘 要





The design of the scheme is a set of sewage treatment plant design after analyzing the hydrogeological conditions in the southern part of Jiangsu, the water quality data of the collected sewage, and the degree and feasibility of the required sewage treatment. Including the analysis of the influent water quality and the effluent quality, the first-stage treatment used in the sewage treatment plant and the secondary treatment process mainly based on the modified A2/O process, and in addition, in order to ensure the effluent effect, adding the three-stage treatment process makes the effluent stable to the standard, and the size of the selected structure is calculated in detail in the calculation book.

The designed treatment requires a water volume of 20,000 m3/d and a total coefficient of variation of KZ 1.49. After the comparison of the schemes, a stable and reliable modified A2/O activated sludge process is selected, that is, in front of the traditional A2/O pool. Adding a pre-anoxic zone, accepting the nitrate-containing salt sludge returned from the secondary settling tank, and performing denitrification in it, ensuring the phosphorus release efficiency in the anaerobic zone and improving the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The high-efficiency sedimentation tank and the fiber turntable filter are added as a three-stage treatment method, and the sludge treatment adopts mechanical compression dehydration and external transportation, without additionally increasing the sludge treatment process. Finally, combined with local pipeline layout and hydrogeological conditions, reasonable layout and elevation layout were carried out.

KEY WORDS: Water resources,Sewage treatment,The modified A2/O process,Efficient sedimentation tank,Fiber turntable filter

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 设计概述 1

1.1设计依据及设计任务 1

1.1.1设计题目 1

1.1.2设计任务 1

1.1.3设计内容及基本要求 1

1.1.4设计原始资料 2

1.2设计水量 2

1.3设计水质 3

1.4设计原则 3

第二章 设计方案确定 4

2.1污水处理工艺选择原则 4

2.2污水可生化性分析 4

2.3污水生化处理级数选择 5

2.4污水生物脱氮除磷工艺方案比选 5

2.5污水深度处理工艺方案比选 7

2.6污泥处理工艺方案选择 8

2.7污水消毒工艺选择 9

第三章 工艺设计 10

3.1工艺流程 10

3.2污水构筑物选择 10

3.3污水构筑物设计计算 11

3.3.1污水厂生产管线 12

3.3.2粗格栅 12

3.3.3进水泵房 14

3.3.4细格栅 14

3.3.5曝气沉砂池 15

3.3.6改良A2/O生化池 16

3.3.7配水井及污泥回流泵房 24

3.3.8二沉池 24

3.3.9高效沉淀池 26

3.3.10纤维转盘滤池 28

3.3.11二氧化氯接触消毒池 29

3.3.12巴氏计量槽 29

3.3.13鼓风机房和变电所 30

3.3.14贮泥池 31

3.3.15机修间及仓库 31

3.3.16脱水机房 31

3.3.16加药间 32

3.3.17除臭设计 32

3.4附属建筑物设计计算 32

第四章 污水处理厂总体布置 34

4.1平面布置及总平面图 34

4.1.1平面布置原则 34

4.1.2平面布置具体内容 34

4.2污水厂的高程布置 34

4.2.1高程布置应满足的要求 34

4.2.2高程布置计算 34

参考文献 37

致 谢 38

第一章 设计概述








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