
 2022-03-26 05:03


摘 要






As Chinese subway system is growing more and more strong, the current security situation is not optimistic. All kinds of emergencies happen from time to time, and once they happen, they are likely to cause serious casualties and property losses. Therefore, the efficient allocation of emergency resources after the occurrence of emergencies has become a key point. Combined with the relevant theories of operations research, the deployment of emergency resources of subway is studied with reasonable mathematical tools in this paper. The specific research process is as follows:

Firstly, a large number of literatures are reviewed to analyze and summarize relevant theories and research status at home and abroad. Secondly, the theories related to subway emergencies, the location of emergency service facilities and the allocation of subway emergency resources are discussed and explained, laying a foundation for the construction of relevant models. Thirdly, with the layout cost as the limiting condition, a site selection model is established and solved featuring the dual objectives containing the weighted time distance and the coverage rate from each emergency service facility to the accident point. Fourthly, considering the types of emergencies and actual emergency needs under different scenarios, emergency resource allocation models are built basing on two typical emergencies, fire and flood. Particle swarm optimization was used to solve them. By introducing a robust optimization parameter, the uncertainty of transport time is transformed into certainty efficiently. Finally, Nanjing Metro is analyzed to illustrate the three models. The reasonable layout of emergency service facilities and suggestions for emergency resource allocation are given, which verify the operability and effectiveness of the model.

Key words: Subway Emergency; Emergency Resource Allocation; Emergency Service Facility; Particle Swarm Optimization

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 应急服务设施选址问题 2

1.2.2 地铁应急资源调配问题 3

1.3 研究内容 4

1.4 研究方法和技术路线 5

1.4.1 研究方法 5

1.4.2 技术路线 6

第二章 地铁突发事件应急资源调配的理论体系 7

2.1 地铁突发事件 7

2.1.1 地铁突发事件的特点 7

2.1.2 地铁突发事件的分类 7

2.2 地铁应急资源 8

2.2.1 地铁应急资源的概念及分类 8

2.2.2 地铁应急资源需求预测 8

2.3 地铁应急资源调配 9

2.3.1 地铁应急资源调配的概念及分类 9

2.3.2 地铁应急资源调配的流程 9

2.3.3 地铁应急资源的选址和调配理论 10

2.4 本章小结 11

第三章 地铁突发事件应急服务设施的选址研究 12

3.1 地铁突发事件应急服务设施的选址原则 12

3.2 地铁突发事件应急服务设施的选址模型 12

3.2.1 问题描述 12

3.2.2 假设说明 12

3.2.3 模型构建 13

3.2.4 模型求解 14

3.3 本章小结 14

第四章 地铁突发事件应急资源动态调配研究 16

4.1 地铁突发事件应急资源调配原则 16

4.2 情景分析在突发事件应急资源调配中的应用 16

4.3 基于火灾情景的地铁单灾点应急资源动态调配优化模型 17

4.3.1 情景描述 17

4.3.2 假设说明 18

4.3.3 模型构建 18

4.3.4 多目标处理 20

4.3.5 模型求解算法 20

4.4 基于洪灾情景的地铁多灾点应急资源动态调配优化模型 24

4.4.1 情景描述 24

4.4.2 假设说明 25

4.4.3 模型构建 25

4.4.4 模型转化 27

4.4.5 模型求解 28

4.5 本章小结 28

第五章 南京市地铁突发事件应急资源动态调配应用研究 29

5.1 南京地铁简介 29

5.2 南京地铁应急服务设施选址优化应用 30

5.2.1 数据处理 30

5.2.2 数据分析 34

5.3 南京地铁应急资源动态调配优化应用 36

5.3.1 单灾点调配模型 36

5.3.2 多灾点调配模型 37

5.4 应用结果分析与建议 42

5.5 本章小结 43

第六章 结论与展望 44

6.1 结论 44

6.2 展望 44

参考文献 46

致 谢 48

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景

随着我国体制化改革的逐步加深,城市化进程稳步推进,地铁正渐 渐成为城市出行首选方式。截至2018年底,我国共有35座城市开通了地铁运营线路,年运营 里程达5013.3km,全国年每日平均客 流强度为1.39万乘次/公里。


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