
 2022-03-18 08:03


摘 要






With the continuous promotion of concrete-assembled buildings, the emergence of new types of work and the new types of workers have placed new demands on the skills of workers. Traditional migrant workers, whether technical or professional, are extremely difficult to meet the needs of assembly-type construction projects. This requires us to study how to transform migrant workers into industrial chemical workers that the current construction industry is eager for. Because the most obvious gap between migrant workers and industrial chemical workers lies in their skills, this paper focuses on the problem of chemical skill training in the concrete assembly building industry. In order to find out why it is necessary to train industrial chemical technicians, what kind of skills to cultivate and how to cultivate these skills, this paper starts from the following aspects.

First of all, it sorts out the relevant policies introduced by the government and forms an accurate understanding of the current status of the development of fabricated buildings and industrial chemical companies. Secondly, combined with industry norms and interviews, the characteristics and assessment methods of new types of prefabricated buildings are summarized. Thirdly, combined with the experience of vocational skills training in developed countries, this paper analyzes the skills training model of Chinese workers and proposes and explores the feasibility of the new training mode. Finally, based on the interviews, analyze the skills development model of several assembly projects and make recommendations.

The characteristics of this paper are mainly reflected in the definition of new types of prefabricated construction and the training mode of new types of prefabricated construction from the perspective of enterprises.

KEY WORDS: prefabricated construction, Industrial worker, skill, work type

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3研究方法 2

1.4本文特色 2

第二章 混凝土装配式建筑产业化工人研究综述 3

2.1行业背景 3

2.2装配式建筑 3

2.3农民工产业工人化研究现状 3

2.4产业化工人培养方式研究 4

第三章 混凝土装配式建筑产业化工人政策分析 6

3.1政策分析 6

3.1.1装配式建筑政策分析 6

3.1.2产业化工人政策分析 7

3.2装配式建筑产业化工人需求总结 8

第四章 混凝土装配式建筑工种 10

4.1混凝土装配式建筑工种定义 10

4.2工种技能内涵 11

4.3工种的考核方式 13

4.4工种的特征变化 13

第五章 工人技能培养模式分析 15

5.1外国职业技能培养体系 15

5.2借鉴意义 16

5.3我国工人技能培养现状 16

5.3.1我国当前工人技能培养主要模式 16

5.3.2培养模式困境 17

第六章 调研访谈分析 18

6.1访谈背景及目的 18

6.2访谈对象及项目简介 18

6.2.1访谈对象选取 18

6.2.2项目简介 18

6.3访谈过程 19

6.4访谈分析 20

6.4.1项目异同分析 20

6.4.2访谈小结 22

6.4.3培养模式展望 23

6.5技能培养模式建议 24

参考文献 26

第一章 绪论



2018年全国建筑业企业完成总产值235085.53亿元,同比增长9.88%;完成竣工产值120786.22亿元,同比增长3.42%;签订合同总额494409.05 亿元,同比增长12.49%,其中新签合同额272854.07亿元,同比增长7.14%;房屋施工面积140.89亿平方米,同比增长6.96%;完成房屋竣工面积41.35亿平方米,同比下降1.33%;实现利润8104亿元,同比增长8.17%。由此可见建筑业市场仍然火爆,建设对工人的需求也在持续增加。


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