
 2022-02-22 07:02


摘 要



本课题是对汤山碧桂园的一幢别墅进行日照节能分析,其主要研究思路为:Revit建立三维模型—Green Building Studio模型日光研究—Ecotect建立日照模型—Ecotect模型节能分析。



BIM-Based Energy Saving Design of Civil Buildings in Southeast University


BIM is based on the three-dimensional digital technology and integrated with engineering project data models of various of information. Along with the development of economy, building energy consumption is increasing. Building energy efficiency is an important part of the national energy saving strategy. It is a simple and effective way to adjust the design phase of building energy with BIM softwares.

With the development of green building, energy saving and sunshine are more important. BIM is more convenient and intuitive. We can also see the consumption of the buildings and the changes of the sunshine factors from the 3D modeling and analyse them easily. BIM simulate the building by 3D modeling. During the design phase, BIM can analyze the sunshine situation of the building after construction, and concrete results, solve problems, improve efficiency and reduce rework.

The project is about the analysis of energy saving and sunshine of BiGuiYuan in Tangsha, Jurong, Nanjing. The research idea is that Revit modeling, Revit simulates daylight research, Ecotect modeling, Ecotect sunshine analysis, Green Building Studio sunshine analysis and sunshine analysis report. Then the Civil Building can be simulate in a video that the shadow changes under the sun during a day. The sunshine analysis report can show some graphs and analyze the sunshine situation quantitatively.

The sunshine situation and duration can be shown by BIM softwares with corresponding knowledge. It can improve the economic benefit and social benefit by proposing the energy-saving project according to the example of the Civil Building.

KEY WORDS: BIM; 3D modeling; sunshine analysis; energy saving

目 录

基于BIM的句容某别墅项目建筑节能分析与方案优化 II

摘 要 II

Abstract III

目 录 IV

图目录 VI

表目录 IX

前 言 1

第一篇 工作过程描述 2

1 选题分组 3

2 软件工具选择 3

2.1 Autodesk Revit 2015 4

2.2 Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 4

2.3 Autodesk Green Building Studio 5

3 Revit建模过程 5

4 Ecotect模型过程 6

5 遇到的问题 6

第二篇 工作内容介绍 7

1 工程概况 8

2设计过程 9

2.1 Revit建模过程 12

2.2 Ecotect建模过程 18

2.3 Revit日光研究 19

2.4 Ecotect节能分析 21

2.5 Green Building Studio能耗模拟 22

第三篇 设计分析报告 23

1 研究背景及意义 24

1.1 研究背景 24

1.2 研究意义 24

2 文献综述 25

2.1概念 25

2.2 国内外发展情况 25

2.3 BIM相关软件 26

2.4 BIM的价值优势 26

2.5 建筑节能现状 26

2.6 BIM在建筑节能方面研究的前景 27

2.7 基于BIM的建筑节能设计应用 27

2.8 绿色建筑预评估 28

2.9 节能依据标准 29

3 软件功能介绍 29

3.1 Revit Architecture 2015 29

3.2 Ecotect日照分析软件 30

3.3 Green Building Studio能耗模拟 30

第四篇 建筑节能分析报告 33

1 分析报告 34

1.1 建设单位(委托方) 34

1.2 设计单位(受托方) 34

1.3 项目概况 34

1.4 依据和标准 35

2 节能分析 35

2.1 Ecotect节能分析 35

2.2 Green Building Studio能耗模拟 64

3 节能计算 72

3.1 材料改进 72

3.2添加遮阳构件 73

3.3 使用地暖设备替换空调 75

4 结论与展望 79

第五篇 小论文 80

基于Ecotect的住宅建筑能耗模拟研究 81

1 BIM概述 83

2 传统的能耗模拟 83

3 基于Ecotect的能耗模拟 84

4 住宅建筑能耗模拟实例 85

4.1 汤山碧桂园能耗状况 85

4.2 能耗模拟 86

5 结论 93

参考文献 94

结 语 96

谢 辞 97


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