
 2022-01-29 07:01


摘 要





The Financial Evaluation of Greentown

Daishan affordable housing project 

Student ID:05212111 Name: Li Guangyao Instructor: Zhang Jiankun

Abstract: Our construction of affordable housing has been created since the reform and opening up ,from the original welfare housing distribution system to an existing affordable housing system, China's affordable housing system development is relatively slow. Facing with the opposite trend of housing market and the protection of housing market development, housing supply and demand in the increasingly tense situation, the state re-established the basic framework of China's housing security system, gradually formed affordable housing, limited to two rooms, inexpensive renting, slum upgrading areas, public rental housing as the main carrier of the housing security system.

Financial evaluation is economic analysis from the perspective of real estate projects or enterprises, specifically that according to the government's existing tax system, price system and relevant laws and regulations and provisions of the calculated real estate investment project financial benefit and cost analysis of content, from the point of view of the project or enterprise. The effects of the project's profitability, liquidity and financial situation, according to the evaluation and judgment of the project financial feasibility, financial evaluation is the core content of real estate investment analysis.

From the perspective of investment management, the protection of housing as a "government budget for investment (including funds from treasury bonds) for national security, land development and the market cannot be effective allocation of resources in public projects and public infrastructure projects, economic cost benefit analysis is required on the (national economic evaluation).

Key words:Affordable housing, The financial evaluation, National Economic Evaluation


第一部分 绿城岱山保障房项目财务评价 1

1.项目概况 2

1.1房地产市场和保障房政策 2

1.2岱山新城项目简介 2

1.3绿城岱山保障房项目简介 3

1.4项目规划要点 3

1.5周边配套规划 4

1.6项目主要经济技术指标 5

2.项目建设规划和进度安排 6

2.1建设项目目标规划 6

2.1.1总体设计原则 6

2.1.2计划入住人口 6

2.2项目开发进度安排 6

2.2.1拟定原则 6

2.2.2建设方式 7

2.2.3建设进度安排 7

3.项目投资估算和资金筹措计划 8

3.1投资估算编制说明 8

3.2项目投资估算 8

3.3项目融资方案 13

3.3.1资金运作方式 13

3.3.2投资组合方式 13

4项目销售收入估算 14

4.1项目销售计划 14

4.2销售价格和收入的确定 14

4.2.1住宅及商铺租赁价格确定 14

4.2.2销售收入扣减 15

5.建设项目财务评价 17

5.1基准收益率 17

5.2损益表与静态盈利分析 18

5.2.1 损益表的编制 18

5.2.2 静态盈利分析 18

5.2.3 现金流量与动态盈利分析 18

5.2.4投资回收期 20

5.2.5清偿能力分析 21

5.2.6 项目财务分析结果汇总 21

6项目不确定性分析 22

6.1 盈亏平衡分析 22

6.2 敏感性分析 26

7 项目风险分析 28

7.1 系统风险 28

7.1.1通货膨胀风险 28

7.1.2政策性风险 28

7.1.3利率风险 29

7.2非系统风险 29

7.2.1经营管理风险 29

7.2.2财务风险 29

7.2.3内部决策风险 29

7.2.4销售风险 30

8 经济、社会、环境评价 31

8.1 经济评价 31

8.2 社会评价 31

8.3 环境评价 31

9 结论与建议 32

9.1 结论 32

9.2 建议 33

10 设计部分参考文献 34

附录 35

附录一 投资成本费用估算表 35

附录二 投资计划与资金筹措表 36


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