
 2023-02-25 11:02


摘 要





Phoenix court project financial evaluation


Since the "second five" national planning policy introduced, the real estate industry has become an important part of the tertiary industry, livelihood stability, growth, speed up industrial restructuring has been the primary task of national development. Among them, increase affordable housing construction efforts, and improve tax policy and is determined to control real estate prices, the purchase of differentiated housing credit limit policy of "new national eight," is our existing real estate industry a huge impact, especially for private real estate business, is facing a severe test challenges and opportunities.

Wide state-owned enterprises and the central enterprises and other large real estate enterprise project financing, the official policy efforts to support large, to take hold and land reserves have greater advantages, which further reduced the small and medium real estate companies and private living space, increasing the its development difficult. Private real estate companies, to survive and even develop, we have to do proper planning before construction, and accurate financial evaluation of the development in a difficult environment.

What is the real estate financial evaluation? How to ensure effective and objective real estate financial evaluation? We need to use correlation analysis engineering economics, management, statistics, etc., as well as specific data derived from actual projects combined with the actual construction process of empirical methods, and draw on relevant papers to Phoenix court project, for example, so that the real estate project accurate financial evaluation and analysis.

Keywords:real estate;Financial Evaluation;the study

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计全过程描述 1

第一章 绪论 2

第二部分 梧桐苑项目财务评价研究 5

第一章 房地产项目财务评价的基本理论与方法研究 6

1.1 房地产项目前期及调研工作 6

1.1.1 房地产开发项目分类 6

1.1.2 房地产市场调查与预测的内容和方法 6

1.2 房地产项目财务评价的理论基础 6

1.2.1 衡量项目的盈利能力 7

1.2.2 衡量项目的债偿能力 7

1.2.3 分析项目资金运作状况 7

1.3 房地产项目财务评价的方法 7

1.3.1 趋势分析法 7

1.3.2 比率分析法 7

1.3.3 因素分析法 7

第二章 梧桐苑房地产项目简介 8

2.1 项目概况 8

2.1.1 项目位置 8

2.1.2 项目用地及规划要点 8

2.2 项目平面图 9

2.3 项目工期及进度安排 11

2.3.1 项目建设工期 11

2.3.2 项目进度安排 11

2.4项目投资方式 11

第三章 项目投资估算及资金筹措计划 12

3.1 项目投资估算 12

3.1.1 项目投资构成部分 12

3.1.2 建设成本投资估算 12

3.2 资金筹措 14

3.2.1 资金使用情况 14

3.2.2 资金筹措方式 14

3.3 项目贷款资金偿还方式及利息支付 17

3.4 本章小结 18

第四章 项目销售测算及财务评价 19

4.1 销售计划及收入测算 19

4.2 销售收入及税金估算表 20

4.3 资金来源与应用表 21

4.4 损益表 22

4.5 资金负债表 23

4.6 资本金现金流量表 24

4.7 项目投资现金流量表 25

4.8 本章小结 26

第五章 项目不确定分析 27

5.1 盈利能力分析 27

5.2 清偿能力分析 27

5.3 盈亏平衡分析 28

5.4 敏感性分析 28

5.5 本章小结 29

第六章 项目财务评价问题研究 30

6.1 项目风险分析 30

6.1.1 项目风险分析的相关内容 30

6.1.2 本项目风险分析 30

6.2 项目风险控制 30

6.2.1 通过加快进度来回避风险 31

6.2.2 通过市场调查来降低风险 31

6.2.3 通过加强管理来控制风险 31

第七章 项目财务评价结论 32

第三部分 项目财务评价分析中的风险分析与风险控制 33

致 谢 37

参考文献 38


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