
 2022-10-29 08:10


摘 要



Preparation of bidding documents for the project building project of Anzhen Middle School


This design report takes the experimental building of anzhen middle school as the compilation object and makes the overall bidding document. The most important task in the bidding document is to do a good job in construction organization design and bill of quantities quotation. In commercial bidding, make reasonable quotation according to relevant national standards according to the given drawings and the bill of quantities prepared by members of the group. Construction organization design is the key technical document to ensure the completion of construction task with high quality and high level. In the preparation of construction organization design, the design is mainly based on the bidding documents and related requirements, including the construction quality, construction methods and technology, engineering assurance measures, the allocation of personnel and equipment, various preparatory work, the general plan and the construction of the road map and so on. In addition, through the reflection and experience of the problems encountered in the compilation process, and after consulting materials and mentors, finally completed the compilation of small papers on science and technology.

Keywords: bidding documents; Construction organization design; The valuation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计综述

第一章 毕业设计任务 1

1.1工程主要概况 1

1.2小组任务 1

1.3个人任务 1

第二章 工作进程 2

2.1初步熟悉阶段 2

2.2计算工程量阶段 2

2.3投标编制阶段 4

2.4整理装订阶段 4

第三章 毕业设计心得 5

3.1存在的问题及解决的方法 5

3.2收获和体会 5

第二部分 工程施工投标文件

第一章 投标函及其附录 7

1.1投标函 7

1.2投标函附录 7

第二章 法定代表人身份证明 8

第三章 投标保证金 9

第四章 授权委托书 10

第五章 已标价工程量清单 11

5.1建设项目投标报价汇总表 13

5.2单项工程投标报价汇总表 13

5.3单位工程投标报价汇总表 13

5.4 分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 14

5.5 总价措施项目清单与计价表 22

5.6其他项目清单与计价汇总表 23

5.7暂列金额明细表 23

5.8专业工程暂估价及结算价表 23

5.9计日工表 24

5.10总承包服务费计价表 24

5.11规费、税金项目计价表 25

5.12分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表 26

5.13承包人供应材料一览表 49

第六章 施工组织设计 50

6.1编制依据 50

6.2工程概况 50

6.3施工组织总体部署 50

6.3.3施工部署 51

6.3.4施工准备 51

6.3.5施工总平面布置(见附表) 51

6.4施工工序及做法 52

6.5主要施工措施 55

6.6施工组织设计附表 58

第七章 项目管理机构 60

7.1项目管理机构组成 60

7.2主要人员简历 60

第八章 资格审查资料 61

8.1投标人基本情况表 61

8.2近年财务状况 62

8.3正在施工的和新承接的项目情况 63

8.4近年发生的诉讼及仲裁情况 63


浅谈编制投标文件应注意的问题 64

谢 辞 67

参考文献 68

附 录 69




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