
 2022-09-24 11:09


摘 要



South north plot trial project positioning design research

02211248 xing chen

Supervised by Dezhi Li


In the industry of our country, real estate has become a pillar industry of our country, both the name of a large impact on the economy. To submit a national economy, but there are a lot of risk. And there are more and more real estate developers, the place where it is being developed more and more, so the competition between developers is becoming more and more fierce. So a good real estate needs a good planning and positioning, like this can win in the competition, the real estate will achieve good sales performance, real estate developers will be profitable. A reasonable good location decision is a real estate is the key to success. Only have knowledge of positioning, improve the positioning system and method of project is successful, it is a good location planning. When doing the location involves many aspects, such as macroeconomic analysis, market analysis of the region, the analysis of the competitive market, customer orientation, product positioning, research method and so on. From these aspects to accurately and improve the positioning. In some methods used in the design of the positioning of the study, to complete the south north plot the positioning of the project. Hope this positioning can meet the project, to make the project success, real estate sales performance can be good.

Key words: Real estate;Positioning elements;The early stage of the positioning


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 工作过程描述 VI

第一章 工作过程描述 1

1.1本项目建设概况 1

1.1.1项目目的和意义 1

1.1.2项目用地现状及开发条件 1

图1.1 南审北地块地理位置 2

1.1.3交通情况 2

1.1.4配套设施建设 2

1.1.5项目规划要点 2

1.2工作描述 3

1.2.1房地产开发项目定位内容 3

1.2.2房地产开发项目定位的步骤 3

1.3详细工作描述 4

1.3.1小组分工 4

1.3.2市场调研部分 4

1.3.3项目定位阶段 4

1.3.4 财务评价阶段 7

1.3.5 市场营销阶段 7

1.3.6 物业管理阶段 7

1.3.7 小论文阶段 7

第二部分 定位设计报告 1

第二章 调查报告 8

2.1调查背景 8

2.2调研基本情况 8

2.2.1调查目的 8

2.2.2调查方法 8

2.3宏观环境 9

2.3.1政策环境 9

2.3.2市场环境 11

2.4消费者调研分析 12

2.5竞争楼盘分析 20

2.5.1项目概况 20

2.5.2道路规划 21

2.5.3交通规划 21

2.5.4用地现状分析 21

2.5.5规划定位 21

2.5.6教育基础设施配套 21

2.5.7绿化植物景观 21

2.6本章小结 22

第三章 住房项目定位报告 23

3.1绪论 23

3.1.1项目背景 23

3.1.2项目概况 23

3.1.3定位依据及原则 24

3.2目标客户定位 25

3.2.1目标客户概述 25

3.2.2消费能力分析 25

3.2.3 需求分析 25

3.3 总体定位 26

3.3.1 项目开发理念及思想 26

33.2 楼盘案名及文化内涵定位 27

3.3.3 项目整体建筑风格 27

3.3.4 功能定位 32

3.4 产品定位 38

3.4.1 项目开发规模 38

3.4.2 项目开发品种及结构 38

3.4.3 主力户型设计 40

3.5 价格定位 44

3.6 结论及建议 44

3.6.1 结论 44

3.6.2 建议 44

第三部分 科技小论文 8

引言 10

第四章 绿化植物造景的意义 10

4.1房地产植物造景综述 10

4.1.1房地产绿化植物造景的概念 10

4.1.2房地产绿化植物造景的发展和未来走向 10

4.1.3房地产绿化植物造景的作用 11

4.2 绿色植物造景对房地产的影响 11

4.2.1 有利的影响 11

4.2.2不利的影响因素 12

4.3结束语 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14

附录 15

南京房地产需求市场调查问卷 15

附图一 总体布局图 17


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