
 2022-09-24 11:09


摘 要





Management Plan For the North of Nanjing Audit University


Property management in our country has been developed about twenty years, first started in the coastal cities, and gradually extended to the inland areas of the property management industry is trying to get rid of market disorder, lack of supporting legislation and normative documents of the auxiliary the situation of development of the industry. Many regions have introduced appropriate laws and regulations, on the road to assist the industry to take the healthy development. On the road to further standardize the market development, excellent property services companies will seize the opportunity to achieve bigger and stronger.

This study is planned property management review of Nanjing South North Lot residential construction project based mainly includes three parts. The first part of the property management research; the second part is described in detail and determine the property; the third part is a small papers, write obstacles currently encountered in property management and property development trend in the future. Job Description section describes the focus of this study and the difficulty lies, and the main work done during the study.

The first part, on the situation south Pu Ku District surrounding the trial, the trial of the north of Nanjing Audit University Lot property management plan studied. The second part based on market research and analysis of the survey results, combined with the actual situation Pu Ku, first determine the level of property management services. Referring again to determine the services Pukou property management grade requirements. Then, for the project, presented in several different forms of property management organizations, and a variety of organizational forms were compared, choose to hire property management companies for residential property management. Finally, the cost of residential property management estimated. The third part, on the current difficulties encountered by the property management company, analyzed several reasons Predicament, property management fees for new models now emerging analyzes its merits.

Key words: the Ground of the north of Nanjing Audit University; property management;


摘 要 3

Abstract 4

第一部分 全过程工作描述 11

第二部分 浦口区江浦街道南审北地块物业管理研究 24

第一章 绪论 24

1.1 项目背景 24

1.1.1 南京房地产政策情况 24

1.1.2 南京物业政策情况 25

1.1.3建设情况 26

1.2项目概况 26

1.2.1项目简介 26

1.2.2道路规划 26

1.2.3交通规划 26

1.2.4用地现状分析 27

1.2.5教育基础设施配套 27

1.2.6绿地景观系统 27

1.2.7小区拟定布置图 27

1.3研究方法 29

第二章 物业管理的目标 30

2.1 总体目标 30

2.1 具体目标 32

2.1.1 安全目标 32

2.1.2 服务目标 33

2.1.3 环境卫生目标 33

2.1.4 处理投诉目标 33

2.1.5 内部管理目标 33

2.1.6 经营目标 33

2.1.7 拓展物业管理规模目标 34

2.1.8 品牌目标 34

第三章 物业管理的内容 34

3.1 管理服务等级的确定 34

3.1.1 服务时限 34

3.1.2 巡检 34

3.1.3 油漆粉饰 35

3.1.4 给水设施 35

3.1.5 排水设施 36

3.1.6 道路、停车场(车棚、车库)及配套设施 36

3.1.7 共用楼道保洁 36

3.1.8 电梯及电梯厅保洁 36

3.1.9 共用卫生间保洁 36

3.1.10 停车场、共用车库或车棚保洁 37

3.1.11 绿化带保洁 37

3.1.12 休闲、娱乐、健身设施保洁 37

3.1.13 垃圾桶、果皮箱 37

3.2 物业管理的内容 37

3.3 小区物业管理的服务特色 38

3.3.1 实行"菜单式"服务模式 38

3.3.2 快速、完善的服务形式:首问责任制 三分钟服务承诺 38

3.3.3 突出、贴心的文明礼貌:三米微笑服务 站立式服务 39

3.3.4 全天候的服务时间 39

3.3.5 丰富的社区文化活动 39

3.3.6 多种多样的特约经营服务 39

3.3.7 实行完全的封闭式管理 40

第四章 组织形式 40

4.1 物业管理的组织形式 40

4.1.1 可供选择的物业管理组织形式 40

4.1.2 组织形式的选择 42

4.2 物业管理的人员配置 43

4.2.1 业管理人员配置标准 43

4.2.2 业管理公司员工定岗定编的数量标准 44

4.2.3 翠苑小区物业机构及人员编订 45

第五章 业费用的确定 45

5.1 收费标准 45

5.1.1 合管理服务标准与收费标准 45

5.1.2 共区域秩序维护服务标准与收费标准 47

5.1.3 共区域清洁卫生服务标准及收费标准 49

5.1.4 共区域绿化日常养护服务标准与收费标准 50

5.1.5 用部位、共用设施设备日常运行、保养、维修服务标准与收费标准 51

5.2 收费形式 56

5.2.1 实行政府定价或政府指导价 56

5.2.2 实行经营者定价 56

5.3 成本测算 56

5.3.1 人工成本 56

5.3.2 工装 58

5.3.3 行政办公费用 59

5.3.4 日常工程维修材料及易耗品费用 60

5.3.5 清洁绿化费用 61

5.3.6 安保费用 62

5.3.7 公共区域能耗 62

5.3.8 设备维护保养费 63

5.3.9 收入测算表(住宅:1.7㎡/月,商铺:3.0/㎡/月) 64

5.3.10 支出费用汇总表 65

第六章 物业管理的保障措施 66

6.1 物业服务企业管理 66

6.1.1 管理标准 66

6.1.2 服务规范实施策略 66

6.2 日常管理 68

6.3 服务保障措施 69

第七章 结论及建议 70

7.1 结论 70

7.2 建议 70

第三部分 未来物业管理的发展趋势 71

致谢 77

参考文献 78

附录 调查问卷 79


1 项目综述



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